Chapter 52: The unstoppable cyborg

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The Pelican flew towards a planet where Alcatraz's body should be. Lincoln had to use the hyper-speed boost to get towards the planet and prevent it from taking them weeks to months getting there. But him using that once already messed it up and now it's pretty dead but they could still make it to the planet. Ronnie Anne tried to fix the problem but once she thought she figured it out the ship started to shake and the thrusters were turning off.

Lincoln: Ronnie Anne what are you doing!?

Ronnie Anne: I'm sorry, I tried to fix the problem!

Lincoln: Well stop what your doing!?

Ronnie Anne groans and puts the wire back in its original spot and she walks to him and sits in the seat behind him.

Ronnie Anne: So did you figure out anything about that planet?

Lincoln: Well yeah, there's a spot on the planet that can fix the problem with our ship, I figured out the building that is holding Alcatraz's body. Some Divine light soldiers are guarding it.

Ronnie Anne: What do you mean by that?

Lincoln: about what?

Ronnie Anne: The divine light soldiers, what do you mean?

Lincoln: Well we are a splinter cell of the main army we are with, we were a project and they had some common soldiers beside us. We never saw much and them and none of them really fought alongside us. This just seems like a contingency, they have his body here but they also wanted to split up the AI part of him and his body so he could never lash out.

Ronnie Anne: I see. So we have a problem. We have no money for repairs.

Lincoln: Well, you see if the problem isn't that bad the repair is free.

Just then the back was shot by a few plasma bolts and another ship zips pass them. Lincoln looks at it and it was Alcatraz ship.

Lincoln: We are so fucking dead.

Lincoln moves out the way of his ship as whoever was flying it shot more plasma bolts to them. Lincoln turns the ship around and fires at it with the machine gun attached to it but the bullets bounced off the ship and Lincoln tried to fire the missiles to it which still did nothing.

Ronnie Anne: Damnit. How can we destroy that th- Wait, what if it is worn down from all of the things that happened to it? Alcatraz never repaired it.  What if we-

Lincoln jerks the ship to the right and she hits the wall of the ship hard. Lincoln turns and saw two glowing balls charging on the side of the ship and it was fired to them. Lincoln flies the ship down as the two plasma balls followed after them. He looks at the system report and then he saw how the engines were at 68% he made the ship go as fast as it can without the hyperspeed and he flew straight over the ship. One of the plasma balls hits the bottom and the only flew off going straight into the unknown void.

Lincoln: Alright we should get going.

He flies towards the planet and the ship follows.

Lisa: Maybe we should have a different approach!?

Patrick: Yeah this seems like a bad idea!

Rev 9: NO this is the best course of action to get them!

Patrick: But we have to get the device back! Not destroy it!

Lincoln then turns the ship around as Rev 9 had the cannons charged again all while Patrick, Wyoming, Lisa, and Ronnie Anne's eyes widen as they saw that Alcatraz ship was heading straight towards the pelican.

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