Chapter 43 The escape

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As the explosion rings through the room the door and wall break down falling to the ground as the ground then caves in falling into a vent area. As the explosion clears a roar was heard from above and then the rumble move and then Stella stood up roaring into the air. She looks at the burn wound on her body and then the attacks that Alcatraz dealt with her. She roars in rage and then pounds the ground with her fist. She walks around the area looking for the remains of Alcatraz so she could finish him off but she founded nothing left over. As she looked at the room she last saw him go in she founded nothing and she just snarls. She then heard the roars and hiss of xenomorphs and then gunshots looking to where it came from she walks off to it while her wounds slowly started to get better.

But inside the vent the rumble moved and then a hand breaks free and then the person gets out the rumble. It was Alcatraz and he survived. Blood ran down his forehead and he had a few scratches and wounds from his fight with Stella. He gets out to vent and back into the room and he grabbed his weapons. He heard lots of hisses and snarls and he looked at the vent system.

Alcatraz: Hmm. Wonder where that's coming from.

He walks over and leaps back into the vent and he starts crawling towards the sound of the hissing. It grew louder and louder as he crept closer and he looks overhead through a vent. As he looked up he seen the ceiling of a room and lots of xenomorphs walking about the room. They hiss and snarl as they walked about eggs was being moved around and he thought why if there are no more humans on board. But he just shrugs it off and continues to crawl only to hear a loud roar and then a tail comes through the ground and he sees the tip of the spear heard his face and a sweat drops from his forehead. The tail moves out and Alcatraz continues to crawl through as Whatever tried to stab him was giving chase. Each second it stabbed its tail through the ground trying to reach Alcatraz but he never got to him. He then hear hisses behind him and as he turn to his side he saw xenomorphs crawl towards him. He takes out his plasma caster firing a bolt of plasma which hits a xenomorph head and it exploded as the body fell to the ground. He then fired two more blasts to stop the other xenomorphs. Both of them fell to the floor of the vent but more crawl pass them and rush towards him and he just sighs in rage and continues to crawl faster and he drops a grenade and he continued to crawl faster and faster until he turns and fired the plasma bolt. It grazed the belly of the xenomorph and as the green acidic blood fall to the floor, the plasma bolt hits the grenade and it exploded with the added wave of plasma which fried the closest xenomorphs while the ones not to close got burnt. Alcatraz turns to crawl out the vent and as he did he heard another growl and breaks open the door, he saw a xenomorph but this was different.

Its tail has a distinct ridge of spines at the base of its harpoon-like blade. Its head possesses a ridged carapace, much like a Warrior, with a line of spikes along the top of its cranium. This xenomorph face is scarred, exposing evidence of human features beneath the skin, including eye sockets, a nasal cavity and jaws, and teeth that are significantly more human in appearance than on most other Xenomorphs; the teeth themselves are not silver and metallic as on most Xenomorph variants. This strain of Xenomorph also lacks the large canine teeth of Praetorians and Queens, making its teeth blunt and noticeably more human-like - with two small tusk-like protrusions either side of its lower jaw. The Raven is very large, even for a Xenomorph, with a height comparable to that of a Praetorian or even a Queen.

Alcatraz: You are one tall son of a bitch. Well, time to die.

He takes out the assault rifle deciding the save the power of the plasma caster and he fired it to the new xenomorph but the bullets bounced off the skin. It was almost entirely encased in a bullet-proof, chitin carapace Alcatraz looked at it as it grows. Whatever type of xenomorph this is could be whatever xenomorph Stella could be. Alcatraz rush towards a door running through it. He turns behind him closing it and continue to run as the xenomorph breaks the door down and roars. Alcatraz turns around and he kept running while the xenomorph chased him. The xenomorph breaks down each door Alcatraz pass and Alcatraz leaps to the side and the xenomorph comes barreling down the hallway and he breaks open the door while Alcatraz moves back in the way and kept firing at it's back with the plasma caster and that only seems to piss it off and he turns rushing to Alcatraz who sighs.

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