Chapter 15 coming close together

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So today is my birthday, I'm 15 now so why not let the Alcatraz of this story have a birthday, same as the others, now onto the book.

While in their base Alcatraz was sitting down reading a book, almost all the agents had to share a room, the loonies, Quinn, Casey, and trigger are with them while the louds and Alcatraz along with Ronnie Anne shared one. Currently, Ronnie Anne,  was busy lifting weighs since Alcatraz attach them to her arms so she won't A attack him or B destroy the room again. She only manages to lift it a little before dropping them on the ground.

Alcatraz looks at the T.V and he turns it in, currently, it was on Crocosaurus vs Mega shark 14. He just shrugged and he continued to read the books that Cooper gave him so he could be more familiar with earth laws and rules. But as the movie continued the jaws original track when the shark was lurking in the water played and a certain someone opens the door and closed it. As Alcatraz turns the music stops and he saw no one. He only shrugged and he continued to read but the music played again and the person walked closer but as he turns they dashed into the bathroom.

Alcatraz: Ronnie, you saw somebody?

Ronnie Anne: no(she says like a child)

Alcatraz just shrugged again but before he could continue to read Luna then jumps in front of him.

Alcatraz: Oh it's you...I was hoping for something less dangerous than you.

Luna: yeah whatever, anyways your birthday today and I want to help you celebrate it, and happy birthday.

Alcatraz: thanks and that sounds like fu- wait a did you know?

Luna: well I ask Cooper to pull up the files that you give him, he said no so I threaten him, then I asked to head to your ship, after hours I ran into it and-

Alcatraz: but it's cloak, and I never said where I hid it.

Luna: funny thing is that used your shirt to make it uncloaks but I hit my head against it before it uncloaks, I place your shirt in some hole and the door opened. I only saw a paper and it says when your birthday is, and it's today, October the 26!

Alcatraz: I feel very uncomfortable with you in this room with me, and I'm good Luna I don't need a birthday.

Luna: well as your girlfr-

Alcatraz: I'm going to stop you right there, we're not dating, you kissed me when your sisters were busy hugging Lincoln, after that, I never asked you out, I just rolled with it, so please continue with the correct term.

Luna: so since I'm your girlfriend I will throw you one. But since we're dating.

Alcatraz: theirs no getting through to you.

Luna: I'm inviting my sisters and brother and Ronnie Anne could come, have any relatives?

Alcatraz: um.

When Alcatraz went to his home planet when he was 5

?????: you think you're better than me since your dad is the warchief!

Alcatraz was getting punched in the And stomach by some guy.

Alcatraz: no Uncle  Rorick.

Rorick: Wrong answer!


Alcatraz: no their all dead.

Luna: you're Sure.

Alcatraz: yep. Murdered.

Luna: how old are you.

Alcatraz: 25

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