Chapter 49: Fall of Divine light

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Chairman: Dear Director.

Fade into Maine in the locker room   
Mother Of Invention Locker Room.

Chairman: Your request for more bases in which to conduct your experiments was reviewed, with much reservation by our Chairperson. Project Freelancer has been entrusted with one of our military's most valuable assets.

With a tattoo of the Meta symbol on the back of his head, Maine is loading up and he grabbed his weapon and sits down and he sharpens the blade.

Chairman: Oversight becomes a much more difficult process if your operations are not centralized. Nonetheless, we have granted your request. However, we reserve the right to revoke this approval as we see fit.

The fire from Sigma's avatar is extensively present in Maine's armor   

Chairman: I sincerely hope this does not happen, and anticipate you will not give us an occasion to do so.

In the med bay, SpongeBob then begins to wake up.

Lana: There you are.

SpongeBob groans while he looked around.

Lana: Slowly... slowly.

Spongebob: How long was I out?

Lana: Only a few days this time.

Spongebob: This time?

Lana: Yeah. after they removed it.

Spongebob: Removed it? Mmm-

Lana: It's gone. They're gonna remove all of them. They started with you.

Lola: Yeah, thanks asshole. The whole process is on hold now.

Spongebob: What about Carolina:

Cut to Luna on the bridge of the ship talking to the Director and Counsellor   

Luna: I'm not giving them up, just because he's made a recalculation. You owe me this.

Director: Luna you are acting like a child. This is not about you, this is about the project.

Counselor: You would be wise to listen to the Director. Agent Lori and the Agent Blackbox has already attempted to steal Wyoming's A.I. unit. If she were to come after you-

Luna: Then they would get, more than she bargained for.

Back in the medbay

luna: Carolina's had it, kinda rough. The Director's considering sending her to hunt down Lori and the mysterious Agent.

Spongebob: Hunt them down?

Lola: They went rogue. Broke out of the facility in order to save her precious A.I. Little later we found Wyoming. Apparently, they tried to steal his A.I. unit. Tried to get his equipment too.

Lana: That hasn't been proven. Besides, that doesn't sound like her.

Lola How would you know?

Lana: Just trust me, I know, and believe me, if she had done it, there wouldn't have been anything left of Wyoming to find.

Lana: She's not a fucking monster Lana.

Lana: But that doesn't change the fact that he's intact. Both of them tried to take it and we saw how strong Lori is on her own.

Spongebob: You guys are giving me a headache.

Lana: Once they find them, they'll bring her back.

Alarms sound overhead   

S.H: Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Breach in Security. Level Zero.

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