Chapter 50: Runaway Vapor

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Lincoln was walking towards the director's office. After the ship crashed and all Lori managed to run off and from what he heard the rebellion failed, Lori is either MIA or KIA, Rita is dead and he is now captured. As for the loyalist, Luna is MIA or KIA, Lola is gone, Lisa is alright, Patrick is alright, SpongeBob still isn't active Wyoming is alright, Meta is MIA. He doesn't know if Ronnie Anne or Luan were with them but they weren't present during the fight. A soldier than hits him in the back of his head with the butt of his rifle.

Soldier 1: Get moving traitor.

Lincoln: Yeah Yeah yeah. I Know. Don't have to hit me.

He hits him again and when Lincoln turns he hits him across the face and once he falls over he hits him over the head and he falls onto his knee and groans.

Soldier 1: I do what I want. Now get up.

Lincoln looked up and then walked inside the bridge of the ship. Still, where it crashed they were moving everything from it to some new base. All the A.I was collected and all were going to be placed in some containers. But by all it's the ones they still have. Sings and the two twin A.I's were with Luna when she supposedly died so there were you recovering them for now. Gamma somehow left the AI chip in Wyoming helmet, Lori still has omega and she's an AI as well so she was missing. Lincoln still had Delta and Alcatraz AI H.V with him.

Director: Lincoln. You've helped these rebels try to take the Alpha away from us with the lies that we were torturing him. You believed in Lori thinking that she was telling the truth when she's actually crazy. Her mental st-

Lincoln: Cut the crap. We know she's an AI. Alcatraz told me. You wanted to tell me that she was rampant. She was the one who told us the truth about what you've been doing.

Director: I'm telling you sh-

Lincoln: She was right. She got the information from Sam. we've should've listened to her but we didn't. She was right the whole time. If I know where Lori put the thumb drive I would've shown you the video just to laugh in your face. So don't lie in my face.

Director: Since when were you like this?

Lincoln: The moment you promoted Lori to captain to cause problems with her and Lori, You gave Luna the blacklight virus, you sparked all the conflicts for some damn test. You founded out about Alcatraz genetics and decided to infuse him with an AI and looked at what you did. I have no time to talk so do what you have to do.

The two soldiers raised their guns to him and the Director never turned around to face Lincoln but he did smile. As the triggers were pulled Lincoln moved his restraints in the way of the bullets causing them to break off. His hands glow orange and he fired his cinder blast towards the two guards knocking them to the wall. As he was about to run some girl kicked him in the chest to the wall. She was wearing some face mask with one singular visor to see out of. She had on body armor that covered her front and back but not her sides. She had forearm armor and shoulder armor along with shoulder pads, knee pads, thigh armor and glows. She was more bottom-heavy then top-heavy. She also had long blond hair and as Lincoln looked at her she fixed her glows and walked to him.

????: Well, well, well. I see that you thought you could get off scot-free. Well, not when I'm here.

 Well, not when I'm here

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Director: Lincoln. I like you to meet our new creation. Mixed with all of the known agent's skills, some of your powers and her own, we call her the Rev 9. How will you win?

Lincoln: Like this.

He gets up and runs off and she followed him and she takes out two rapid-fire pistols and unloads on him. He tried to avoid it as best as he can and he turns to smoke to try and fly off but she then throws a grenade in front of him and one in front of her and she gets teleported in front of him and created a shield of blue energy and she moves it to the smoke. This caused him to go back to his normal form. He hit the ground and she grabbed him by the head and slammed him to the wall before throwing him behind her and she round housed him to the wall. As he bounced back she grabbed his head and rapidly slammed it into the wall until it broke through and she pulled him out the wall and went for a punch to the chest but his hand glow and he cut her arm clean off only for it to turn to some liquid nano metal thing and as it fell to the ground it extended to her missing limb and when he went for another strike she made a blade and stabbed him in the chest and run through walls and had him take the impact. As they broke through the hanger and throws him to a drop-ship. She walked over to him and he founded a rocket and rolled to it grabbing a rocket and he fires it. The rocket exploded on impact and she crashed through the wall. He does it again causing another explosion. He reloaded the rocket and he fired it once more again for good luck. He then ran inside of the dropship and he quickly tried to start it up. As the thrusters started the hatch started to close and Lincoln gets up. He thinks about the Alpha or well Alcatraz and he ran out of the Dropship.

He runs back to the Bridge and once he ran in there he looked around. He didn't see the director but he did see the main container of the Alpha. He rushed to it grabbed it but this was part of the plan. The alarms went off to alert everyone and Rev 9 rushed towards him and he fired the rocket towards her once again, she slides under it but he swings the rocket launcher around and it wacks her across the face sending her to the wall. Fire builds up in his palm and then smoke surrounds it. He then fires a massive stream of fire towards where she was and the fire melts the metal away and she gets up walking towards him slowly and as he added more power and pushed her back even more.

Lincoln turns to the guards running down the hall and did the same thing and walked down the hall and he walks to the hangar and to his dropship. But the doors open to his left. Another entrance into the hangar, It was Lisa, Wyoming, and Patrick fires their weapons to it but he flies away. Only for Rev 9 to run after it and she jumps up grabbing onto one of the wheels but had to let go as it enters the dropship and she falls onto the snow as the dropship fly off. Before she could do anything the Director walked to them.

Director: Leave him. He may have the Alpha but that's not our main concern. Let's try and find Lori first. Get her out the way and get him. If they get to her then I'm sure they could do something.

Rev 9: Got it, sir.

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