Chapter 9 surpusing encounter

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As Luna continued to drive the R.V Alcatraz was fixing his gun while the rest of them was sleeping in the back.

Luna: you had to park your ship so far away?

Alcatraz: has to make sure no one tried to take it.

Luna: so you have enemies(she chuckled)

Alcatraz: some predators are, at first are kind was at war. They first meant us after their first encounter with humans, but they learned we were much stronger and advance.

Luna: Advance? Stronger? Lana can turn to metal and Lynn can increase her strength...actually I don't know I'm lying about that, we don't know her powers.

Alcatraz: well we are.

Luna: Okay, So did make an enteral youth serum.

Alcatraz: my dad is many years old and he looks like Lincoln.

Luna: damn.

Alcatraz: you know, when you respond to me or ask me a question you don't need to turn to face me.

Luna: why not.

She looks back at the road and she moves out of the way of a car in front of them.

Alcatraz: see what I mean.

Luna: anyways, tell me about your race and about earth if you know.

Alcatraz: Back then lots of things happened. Humans, yautja and my race were all at war. Humans were more advanced than us but we grew too, but the humans encountered some alien hive mind. They had to retreat into Yautja controls areas of space, they had to fight those aliens on one side and the fleet of Yautjas. While that was going on are race founded the aliens they were fighting and well, let's just say that you don't want to fight any. Do to their stages. Well, actually just one.

Luna: wait humans was advance back then.
But we're more advanced now. See are UNSC.

A/N I added the Halo universe in here, but things are changed, there is no flood, their xenomorphs and the races that the covenants worship as gods are Yautja and Alcatraz race. Humans were still advance but they fought the Yautja and Alcatraz race.

Alcatraz: hm, heard their fighting these other races.

Luna: but tell me more about this alien hive mind.

Alcatraz: they start off as eggs which are living. They open up if anything walks by and then the second stage, a facehugger jumps out and it attaches to anything face, it sends a tongue down your throat giving you an embryo, then after a few hours and maybe minutes or shorter a chest buster comes out. Then it turns to an adult and if there is no queen one will turn into a queen.

Luna: sounds interesting.

Alcatraz: when you see them, you will wish that they never exist, their blood is acidic.

Luna: really? So blades won't work against it.

Alcatraz: your weapon can be acid proof, along with your skin if you prefer to fight them hand to good claws.

Lincoln: will you two shut up! People are trying to sleep!

Luan: actually I'm not sleeping, I was listening to their conversation.

Lola: well some of us is trying to sleep so keep it down!

Alcatraz: we're not even that loud.

Lana: Lincoln was the one to wake me up.

Lynn: and Lola woke me up.

Lincoln: well anyways keep it down up there!

Alcatraz: want to make me.

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