Chapter 36 Battle against Lisa

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Lori body lied seemly lifeless against the ground. Everyone was weakened from their fight. Everyone besides Lincoln and Patrick that is. But with Lincoln having a few injuries from Sarah and Patrick having his arm broken that wasn't that useful. It didn't help that Lisa was continuously punched Alcatraz and Lincoln for nearly five minutes. Now they all just stood there watching Lisa walk to them humming.

Lisa: this was supposed to be easy. But luck was on your always was. But this time. This they'll be no good look.

As metal tentacles come from her back blades come out of it. As she hums walking to them Francisco flies in punching her across the face sending her through two buildings and he tossed a bag to Luna.

Francisco: no talk time eat those.

He flies off and Luna opens the bag and poured what was in it on the floor.

Alcatraz: oh yeah. Put it on the floor and have us eat it.

Luna: Whatever. Here.

She hands him some type of pill that was blue and when he ate it he felt an increase in power and stamina and he became healed of his injuries. Next, she gave it to everyone else and she was going to take one herself but there was no more.

Luna: damnit. We ran out of those things. I didn't get one.

Alcatraz: Don't worry Luna.

Luna: how? I never got on-

Alcatraz: because we all could do it without you. So just sit back and relax.

Luna: I disagree.

Lynn: I think Francisco is doing a good job.

She points up to Francois who was looking for Lisa and that's when she breaks through a roof and she yelled.

Lisa: and I keep getting reminded of my failure for this mission!

Francisco: you mean at killing us. Or just in general.

She groans and she charged at Francois punching him in the stomach then she elbowed his neck sending him down and she flies down using the jets built in on her back to fly towards him grabbing his head and she slammed it on the ground sliding him across the ground before she stopped and punched him in the chest twice and the second punch made him hit the ground and send him up and she grabbed his neck and she punched him in the face sending him to Luna's feet.

Luna: you were saying?

Everyone looked at him before looking at Lisa. Lynn kicks Francisco side trying to get him to stand up.

Lynn: come on Francis. get up.

Francisco: urgggggg.

Lisa: I'm going to murder you all. Hopefully, Skynet will accept your corpse.

She then dashed to them and Alcatraz grabs Luna and jumped away along with everyone else as Lisa punched the ground and she looks around for them. Alcatraz puts Luna down in an alley.

Luna: Hey. Why did you do that for!?

Alcatraz: keep you out of the fight.

Luna: but I can help.

Alcatraz: I know.

He then goes off to fight Lisa and Luna just growls while looking at him.

Lisa punched Sam to the ground and she raised her fist to punch her but Patrick gets in front of her punching her fist to stop the punch. Both of the was grunting and that's when Lisa pushed away and Patrick punches her in the chest causing her to stumble and Spongebob runs by shooting at her and she blocks the bullets that went to her face and she swings her arm to deal with him but a sniper shot hit her shoulders that was from Lincoln and before she went to him Wyoming shot her in the back and meta rapidly fired his grenade launcher to her. Sam gets up leaping away as the three continue to shoot at her but she grabbed a nearby car tossing it to Wyoming who jumped out the way but the explosions of the car pushed him forward making him hit a rock.

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