Chapter 60: Ronnie Anne Resurgence part 3

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With what Michael had done with his father's word of that spread and as Ronnie Anne walked around the base looking for Sid she saw her standing there talking to other predators in the native language.

Sid: (Yaujta) So your saying he's bad blood?

Predator: Yes. He attacked his son and tried to use his mind control xenomorphs to kill his son. Although Michael killed those unarmed marines his father was the one to command those killings.

Sid: (Yaujta) So what will happen with Michael?

Predator: Michael will stay here and his face council will make the decision but we're returning his father to the homeworld for his punishment.

Sid nods.

Sid: (Yaujta) I'll stay behind. Make sure nothing goes wrong.

As Ronnie Anne waits for her to get done talking she heard her mother voice in her head.

Maria: Ronnie I need to tell you something?

Ronnie Anne: What is it?

Maria: They might be planning on betraying you. Those humans. They are afraid of how strong you are and anything you might be capable of. Whatever you do. Don't let your guard down around them.

Ronnie Anne: Alright. But if they try anything I'll free y'all, well you and aunt Frida. Carlota is roaming around here somewhere.

Maria: Alright. Be safe.

Ronnie Anne: I will.

????; Talking to yourself?

Ronnie Anne quickly turns seeing someone walk up beside her. He was probably four or so years older than her and he was of course taller. He had Grey hair and silver eyes.

Ronnie Anne: Well no I'm actually talking to my mom...Um, who are you?

Grey: I'm Grey. Grey Fall.

Ronnie Anne: Oh. So what is y'all main purpose here anyway?

Grey: Here to help the advancement of your race. With all the colonized planets earth is one of the most important planets and we're here to try and get y'all tech to be more advanced then it already is.

Ronnie Anne: What about the enemy we are fighting?

Grey: Well I wouldn't call them enemies. From their view, they are the good guys. Any Divine Light agents anyone else with the project see themselves as the good ones. The base they are attacking they probably think are the main enemy. The resistance and not Crytek.

Ronnie Anne raises an eyebrow looking at him.

Ronnie Anne: What do you mean?

Grey: You'll find out soon enough. When you do. Make sure you come and find me.

Ronnie Anne: You won't tell me?

Grey: No. because I'm about to go find Michael. See what he's up to.

She nods and he walks away as she turns and saw Sid walking to her.

Sid: Hey Ronnie Anne.

Ronnie Anne: Hey Sid. How are you?

She shrugs and both head towards the lunchroom.

Sid: Well I'm kinda alright. The hunt with those xenomorphs went great and now more eggs are being set up. Turns out they got more of the eggs from your mother cell yesterday. Setting them up in the hunting grounds. Don't know what they have as they host this time though.

Ronnie Anne nods but she stops and looks at her.

Ronnie Anne: Waits so are y'all killing my siblings.

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