Chapter 32 Terminators/Luna lesson.

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After the escape from Skynet, they were all back at the base being debriefed by the director.

Director: So the A.I. Skynet is back. Why didn't you use your A.I to destroy him?

Alcatraz: we couldn't risk losing our A.I. Blowing up one of his home bases would be a stop to this.

Director: really? Agent Lori. Show them.

Lori then opens a bag she been carrying around and she throws a terminator head onto the table. Then she threw arms. Legs and bits of armor.

Director: these are all from her private mission. We've been on the matter way before you all knew what was going on.

Lynn: really?

Luna: how long have you been hiding this?

Lori: after the fight with Hagan. I've been going on missions to stop these terminators.

Alcatraz: You name that Monster Hagain?

Lola: you called those things terminators?

Lori: what do y'all think the T stood for?

Lincoln: Terrorist.....Type then the number they have.

Lori: no dumbass. The T stands for a terminator. That's what all the area they are in have no real-life form.

Lana: We destroyed those things easily.

Lori: Y'all destroyed T-600.

Luna: you can't prove that(she walks closer to Lori looking up at her while Lori looked down at her and Lincoln just groans)

Lori: really? Well did they talk a lot? The ask not to shoot or kill them?

Luna: yeah.

Lori: those are T-600. They are weaker than the others.

Lynn: we fought one that survives a grenade launcher explosion.

Lori: Those are T-800 stronger. And I suggest that's the one that beat you, Luna? You should've known to aim for the eyes and sky weak point.

Director: Lori that's en-

Luna: is that suppose to be a type of insult?

Director: Luna-

Lori: as a matter of fact it is. You and your team is nothing but a joke. You barely took down one T-800. What if you had to fight more then o-

Luna then punched Lori in the face. Lori stumbles back as everyone was silent and even the director was shocked that Lori and Luna's conflict now became worse and physical. She then tried charging to Luna but Alcatraz and Lynn held her back.

Director: Luna. Lori. We'll talk about this later. Another mission has been open to those machines and we need two people. So I'm assigning Lincoln.

Lincoln: Alright. Assign Alcatraz and we'll have a V tea-

Director: and Luna.

Lincoln mutters fuck as Luna smiles.

Luna: we won't let you down sir.

She walks out of the room and Lincoln follows her and he turns to them mouthing help me.

After being dropped off Lincoln and Luna walks to some gate that leads to a bridge. They see two T-600 guarding the gates and one held out his hand.

T-600: stop. This is a restricted area.

Both Luna and Lincoln kept walking closer and they both raise their weapons.

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