Chapter 3: Queen vs. Princess

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It's hard to believe you don't remember me at all
Am I hard to recognize?
You say, "Nice to meet you" every time

Queen – Shawn Mendes

September 16th, 2021

Monday came to an end, but before I could continue with my week, I had to tell Julie all about my new job. When I mentioned I met THE Benedict Cumberbatch, Julie screamed right into the phone and almost left me deaf. She was so excited, but at the same time jealous, since she wants to meet him. Maybe one day I can bring Julie to set or ask Mr. Cumberbatch to do a video for her. But, that will be in the future since we've only known each other for a day. We're not that close yet.

Tuesday and Wednesday went by pretty fast. Today is Thursday, I had an early 'Acting' class. We were assigned to perform a scene as our final project. One of the topics we saw during the class was musical theatre, so I decided to do a scene from one of my favorite musicals, 'Rent'. One of the girls in the class named Andrea is a musical theatre fan, so I asked her if she wanted to do the project with me and she accepted.

I had a 'History of Photography' class at 10 AM and as soon as the lecture ended, I grabbed my things and headed to the tube once again to go to the new location for filming since we had finished filming at the Somerset House the previous day.

When I arrived on set, another guard greeted me, asking for my name and thankfully, my name was on the list this time. He gave me a credential tag and let me in. As I enter the big warehouse-like building where we are filming today, I heard someone yell "Lunch Break!" before a loud bell rang and a sign that read 'Filming' turned off. "Lucky me", I think to myself walking towards the crowd of people heading to a separate room that turned out to be the dining hall.

As I arrive, I look around and spot Steph and Mac lining up to receive their food. When they saw me, they started calling my name, telling me to approach them. I said a couple of 'sorry's and 'excuse me's, before taking my spot behind my friends.

"What's up, Y/N? Did you just arrive?", Steph asks before engulfing in a hug. I proceed to do the hand shake Mac and I had come up with before answering Steph's questions.

"Hey guys. Yeah, I just arrived and lucky me, I arrived at my favorite time of the day, lunch. So, what's on the menu?"

"There are always two options: one is normal, the other is vegan. You know, for the actors. Today you can choose between Rice with beans and tofu, or Curry. You can have any of the salad options plus a drink. You can refill if you want. And there are also dessert options, healthy and unhealthy", Mac briefly explains as we arrive at the serving stations.

"Well, I think I'm going to choose the Curry. Is one of my favorites actually. I haven't eaten it in a long time", I say before grabbing a plate with the dish. I'm not a big fan of vegetables but there was a noodle salad that looked promising so I got that. For desserts, they had a couple of chopped fruit bowls or a slice of lemon cheesecake. I got the cheesecake and for a drink, they had water or strawberry juice. I decided to get both.

As we finished getting our food, we sat down in one of the few tables that were still free. We continued talking and eating, just fully enjoying the free time we had before a familiar voice spoke up. "Are these seats taken?", Mr. Cumberbatch asks in a very cheery tone. I look behind him and almost the whole cast was with him. Before I could say anything, Steph responded.

"No, they're not, please sit", she says as the actors settle at the eight-seat table. To my surprise, Miss Olsen decided to sit next to me. She flashed me a small smile as she sat down and started eating. The table was silent for a bit until the actress decided to start talking.

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