Chapter 6: Apologies and Looks

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Run me in circles like you always do
Mess with me on purpose, so I'll hang on to you
I know what you mean when you act like that
But you don't know it's breaking my heart

that way - Tate McRae


September 20th, 2021

I worked all weekend at the club. Saturday was the busiest day, but I did get some really good tips. With the money I got, I paid one of my remaining school fees. I still had some money left so I bought a bunch of movie and Marvel graphic tees, and a couple of joggers. I really needed some new clothes.

The events on Friday night took a toll on me. I definitely enjoyed singing with my friends, and appreciated the tips very much, but I couldn't get the heated argument with Miss Olsen out of my head. It made me really sad to realize that I would never be important in her life, not even in a 'close co-worker' way. I bet she must be hating me right now. That's why I don't open up to people, you have so many expectations about them. It's even worse when those expectations are high, because they always end up letting you down.

A new week came around and I have to attend my weekly classes and go to set to continue with reshoots. To my demise, I couldn't just quit my job. I really needed the money and my excuse to leave it was very childish, so I decided to suck it up and just do my job. Classes today were fine, I gave a couple of presentations and delivered my essays.

I finished around 10 AM and went straight to the metro station to go to set. I arrived at 11 AM and as I was walking inside the building, I couldn't help but notice everyone was looking at me. Did I have something on my face? All of my clothes are clean, I brushed my hair as any other day. Oh no, was it possible that everyone found out about all of my fights with Miss Olsen? Even worst, was she capable of ratting me out?

Since no one told me anything, I continued my way to the locker area to leave my things and get ready for filming. Walking to set, I see the Mount Wundagore scenography. It had a bunch of figures carved on the sides. Literal statues made in stone.

Once I spotted Mr. Clarke, I grabbed my headset and headed his way to receive my responsibilities for today. Mr. Clarke was with Sam and someone else that I didn't have the chance to meet before. As I got closer, I recognized the man. It is the big boss, aka Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios. "Good Morning Gentleman", I say in a monotone voice. My mood was on the floor, so my signature smile and cheery attitude were long gone. Maybe that's why everyone was looking at me earlier.

"Good Morning Y/N", Mr. Clarke greets me. "Kevin, this is Y/N Girard, she is helping me as my assistant stage manager until Alice gets better"

"Nice to meet you, Y/N", the baseball cap wearing man says before we shake each other's hand. He had a smirk on his face while he was looking at me up and down.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Feige. If you don't mind my intrusion, are you staying for today's filming?", I ask wanting to know how much I'll need to work today.

"Yeah, I'm going to supervise today's filming actually, so I expect to see everyone's best performance", the boss says in a serious voice.

"I can assure you sir, you'll see the best work yet", I say before excusing myself to go around the different crews and make sure everything is ready. The last thing I had to check was if all the actors where on the set with their costumes, hair & makeup.

The first person I saw was Mr. Wong next to Xochi, talking to Mr. Cumberbatch and Miss Olsen, who had their backs facing me. When I arrived at the small circle, I greeted them. "Good Morning everyone"

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