Chapter 40: Please don't say you love me

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All of the memories feel like magic
All of the fighting seemed so sweet
All that we were, my love, was tragic
And you're the last thing that I need

For the Lover That I Lost - Sam Smith


May 10th, 2022

After Lizzie left, I really didn't want to do anything until I talked to her. She wouldn't answer my calls or my texts, I didn't know what I did to upset her so much. Lucky for me, we finished all the filming left in Toronto on Monday and I bought the next flight back to LA.

We're filming the rest of the movie there since our sponsors finally found some permanent studios for us to work at. We won't start shooting again until next week, but everything just worked out perfectly for me to go back and figure out what's going on with Lizzie.

I arrived in LA around 4 PM and got a taxi to drive me directly to Lizzie's house. On my way there, it started raining. It's really weird for that to happened here, but it felt like the weather was feeling sad just like me.

Once I arrived at Lizzie's house, Thomas, the security guard, was kind enough to let me in the house complex without alerting Lizzie. As I reach her house, I start knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell obnoxiously, so someone opens the door. A few minutes went by until the door swung open, and I was met by a surprised Lizzie.

"Y/N? Wha-what are you doing here?"

"Really? That's how you're going to greet me after leaving without an explanation, thinking a simple letter would be enough?!", I ask mad and feeling gob smacked by her reaction. I try to walk past her to get inside the house since it's pouring outside, but Lizzie stops me.

"You can't come in", she simply says, and I look at her in disbelief.

"Why not?"

"There' just can't, okay?", Lizzie says in her nervous voice and that's when I start thinking.

"Is there someone inside that you don't want me to see?", I ask carefully.

"No...", Lizzie says not really sure.

"It's Robbie, isn't it?", I deduct and see how Lizzie just looks down to the floor embarrassed. "Did you cheat on me, Lizzie?!", I ask getting furious by the second and try to enter the house again, but Lizzie pushes me back before closing the door behind her.

"No Y/N, I didn't cheat on you! But we do need to talk so, we're staying here while we do that", Lizzie tells me serious, and I just wait for her to explain.

"Why did you leave? And why is Robbie here?", I ask hurt.

"Y/N, these past couple of weeks I realized there are a lot of things you want with me that I can't give you or I'm not ready for", Lizzie starts.

"You heard me talking with my aunt and Mama Rose, didn't you?"

"It wasn't my intention, but yes, I did. And that only made me realize, I can't give you what you want. I also have many projects happening in my life, and none of them are with you. I wouldn't want us to be constantly fighting because I'm away spending all my time with Robbie working on our book or with any of my co-stars. For those reasons, and the fact that you are a girl and I'm not ready to come out to the world, I would be better if we broke up", Lizzie says easily, and I just feel as if someone just stabbed me straight in my heart.

"You're breaking up with me? Because of your insecurities?!", I ask back confused but also pissed. Is this really her reason to break up with me?

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