Chapter 16: JP

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But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was
Heartbreak and misery
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
You're happy without me

Jealous - Labrinth


October 26th, 2021

Lizzie and I couldn't be any closer. After spending almost all Sunday together, I realized that I do have feelings for her. It's just that, she's taken and I don't want to lose her if I tell her how I feel. But, every time we are together, I can't help but feel happy. Our relationship has become so domestic that, it just feels right. I'm crazy I know, Lizzie would never leave her life to be with me.

Anyway, yesterday was kind of odd. I went to school, then to set and to the club. I saw Lizzie during lunch but she left early. Today was the same. She was busy all morning getting ready for her scenes, so we didn't greet each other like we normally do. For lunch, she sat with everyone at the table but she was quiet, she barely ate and she sat down as far away from me as she could.

When work was over, I tried to look for her in her dressing room but she was gone already. I went directly to the club and as soon as I finished my set, I went back home. I cooked myself some dinner and wrote a bunch of essays for my different classes.

Around 11 PM, I sat in my living room and decided to put on my new favorite Marvel movie 'Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings'. Half way through the movie, I could feel my eyelids drooping and I wasn't able to keep them open any longer. I paused the movie and turned off the TV. I made sure everything was locked and turned off the lights before walking up to my bed.

I laid down, but when I finally found the perfect position to rest, the loud banging of someone knocking on the front door makes me jump out of bed. I quickly make my way to the door and open it, only to see a crying Lizzie wearing pajamas and my jacket.

"Y/N...", Lizzie manages to say in between sobs.

"Princess, what happened?", I ask carefully. Lizzie just lets out another heart-wrenching sob before throwing herself into my arms. I soothingly rub circles on her back while holding her close and leaving kisses over her head. "Everything is alright, Princess. I'm here, you're safe. It's ok, I'll protect you". After a few minutes standing there, Lizzie's sobs had ceased. "Let's go inside", I tell her and walk with her inside my loft.

I close the door once again and go back to holding Lizzie. She had a tight grip on my shirt and I didn't think she had the energy to walk upstairs. She barely walked inside, I had to dragged her in. So, I pick up Lizzie, having a strong hold under her thighs as she just lays her head on my shoulder while she continues to cry. I walk up the stairs and carefully set Lizzie on the bed.

"Princess, can I take the jacket off of you?", I ask, receiving a small nod from the actress. After setting the jacket on a chair, I could see Lizzie shivering so I went to my closet and took out a black hoodie. I walk back to Lizzie and carefully guide her arms and head through the holes so she can wear the piece of clothing.

I climb over the other side of the bed and drape the covers over Lizzie. I don't know what happened, but I don't want to push her on telling me if she doesn't feel comfortable with doing so. She was sniffling and tears kept running down her eyes.

It broke my heart seeing her like this. I just wanted to hold her and kill whoever made her cry. I have a pretty good idea of who is responsible, but I can't overstep, not when I'm clear about my feelings for her, even though she isn't aware of them. I'll just wait and see if she takes the first step. The only sound that could be heard in my dark loft were Lizzie's cries.

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