Chapter 29: I Want You

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I've been shy to dive into the deep end
'Cause I don't really wanna lose a good friend
But I might find something divine

Fall In Love Alone - Stacey Ryan

Lizzie's POV

March 5th, 2022

The fight with Y/N yesterday really took a toll on me. I barely slept last night, and when I finally got my body to give in to the exhaustion, my freaking alarm started to sound, and I threw my phone across the room. It probably broke but I really don't care at this point, the only thing I care about is figuring out what to do.

I was about to fall asleep in the living's room couch when the doorbell rang. I groan about the fact that I had to stand up and walk all the way to the door in my tired state. I was ready to yell to whoever was bothering me right now, but when I opened the door, I was surprised.

"Hi Lizzie", Y/N says, with a bit of sadness in her voice. "I texted you to see if it was ok for me to come but you weren't answering, so I had to ask around to get your address and see if you were ok. And from what I can see, you're not doing so good", she tells me, and I just wrap my blanket around my shoulders tighter to myself.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep at all last night. When my alarm sounded this morning, I threw my phone through the room. I don't know if it works anymore and I haven't looked for it, so that's why I didn't respond", I briefly explain, and she nods in understanding. We fall into an uncomfortable silence, but Y/N breaks it.

"I'm really sorry, Princess", Y/N tells me, and I look at her confused.

"Why are you sorry?"

"For yelling at you yesterday and obviously being the reason for your puffy eyes and broken phone. I didn't mean to make you feel so upset, I just wanted to share how I was feeling but I think I went too far", she explains, and I shake my head.

"No Y/N, this is not your fault. I'm glad you told me how you feel, it really helped me think about some things, and those things got me a little upset, but at myself, not at you. So don't think my current state is your fault", I tell her.

"Either way, I wanted to apologize. And since I couldn't get a hold of you or knew whether you were mad or sad or both, I got a few supplies", she tells me while shaking the paper bag in her hand. "Can I come in?"

"Y/N, I really don't mind having you here but I'm really tired, all I want to do is sleep. Today and tomorrow are the only free days from work I'm getting in a long time. Could we just not do anything today?", I plead to her, and she doesn't respond, she just walks in and goes straight to the kitchen. I close the door and walk back to the living room. Y/N arrived at the living room and scooped me up making me squeal. "What are you doing?", I ask her while we settle on the couch.

"If you want to sleep, I'll let you sleep. And what better way to do so while being safe in my arms?", she tells me sweetly and I chuckle at her antics. "We're having a relaxing day, and that starts with my Princess getting her beauty sleep. So, go on, close your eyes"

"Are you sure?", I ask a bit hesitant about this. I don't think it's appropriate for us to be doing this after the conversation we had yesterday, and I don't feel so comfortable about us being so...intimate with all the undefined feelings on my part. However, I feel very comfortable and secure in her arms. And she smells so good.

"Yeah, you just relax", Y/N tells me, and I slowly close my eyes. Y/N tucks the blanket around me really well and leaves a small kiss on my forehead before starting to hum a sweet melody while soothingly stroking my hair. Everything that she was doing plus my exhausted body caused for me to fall asleep in actual seconds.

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