Chapter 5: A Night at The Collider

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When I saw you there
Sitting all alone in the dark
Acting like you didn't have a care
I knew right then, you'd be mine
We'd be dancing the whole damn night, like

Dance with Me Tonight - Olly Murs

I arrived at the club around 4:30 PM. The ride over there in metro is around 30 minutes, but there isn't a station closer to the club, so I have to walk all the way to the middle of the city by foot, meaning, another 30 minutes. There was already a line outside the club. "Hi Tony, looking good with the new suit. How's it looking inside?", I greet the club's bodyguard.

"Hi Y/N, thank you for noticing. They are still organizing the tables. Pretty boy is in the office", the man informs me while writing on a clipboard.

"Ugh, I didn't want to deal with him today. Anyways, looks like we will have a busy night. I better get inside and start getting ready. See you later, Tones", I say to the man.

"You do that. See you Y/N", he says before I walk inside. I enter the dark room that is only illuminated by random flashes of colored lights. After waving hello to Joe, the bartender, I walk straight to the 'employees only' door next to the stage, that leads to the locker room, to leave my things. I put on my apron and put my baseball cap backwards. I took off my jacket so it was easier for me to move around. I'm sure I'll be doing a lot of that tonight.

Walking out to the open space where the tables are placed, I see April and Tim putting the last finishing touches. Jenna and Logan were talking to some of the cookers, figuring out the food entree options. DJ Wave, or as I call her, Willa, was starting to put on the 2000's radio hits to start the party. As we were getting ready to start letting people inside the club, the most annoying person in the world made an appearance.

"Everyone, gather around!", Pretty Boy yells while looking at his phone. Pretty Boy, aka Kyle Blacksmith, is the club owner's son. He doesn't care about the family business, he is what we call, a complete narcissistic asshole. His father thinks the reason the club is still allowed to operate is thanks to his management, but if it wasn't for the staff, this club would have closed a long time ago. The only thing he cares about is his looks, his allowance and the girls that want to date him, or at least, have fun with him for the night. "As you know today is Friday, there will be a lot of people coming. Uh...let's give our 100% tonight, bla bla blah. Make sure to leave 60% of the tips on the desk. Good Talk", he says, still looking at his phone before walking back to the office.

"Is it possible that he becomes even more miserable every time he opens his mouth?", Jenna comments making all of us laugh.

"If he thinks we are going to give him 60% of the tips, he needs to get his brain checked", Tim says fuming with anger.

"Don't pay attention to him. He failed math 3 times in high school and couldn't even finish his first semester at Uni. He never knows if what we give him is the right percentage. Let's start letting people in, shall we?", I say making everyone get to their positions. Through the radio, Joe tells Tony to let the people in. Every waiter and waitress start leading the different groups to their tables. The music and the tips were good. Today was pictured to be a good day.

Around 10 PM, seven groups arrived all at once and we didn't have enough hands to serve them. So, we assigned three tables per employee. Running around with dirty dishes, food and drink orders and taking in new clients, I was going crazy. I went to sit down at the open window counter, where the cookers were passing the trays, to try and catch my breath.

"Hey Y/N, a group just arrived at Table 13. Could you please go take their order?", April asks me while leaving a tray full of dirty dishes and getting another one with new orders.

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