Chapter 24: The Best Gift I've Ever Gotten

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I can't deny what I'm feelin' inside
Nothin' fake about the way you bring me to life
You make every day feel like it's Christmas
Every day that I'm with you

Like It's Christmas - Jonas Brothers


December 24th, 2021

Today is Christmas Eve and I'm alone at Julie's apartment. She went to stay with her parents for the holidays. Earlier this week, I wrote my last exams and officially finished my college years. How cool is that?! One thing that happened though, it was kind of odd and I'm still trying to figure out how it happened, or rather, who did it.

*Start of Flashback

I have to go pay for my last payment at school so I can graduate. I actually don't have all of the money. I'm just making an advanced deposit, but I still don't know how I'm getting all the money I need in less than a week before the ceremony. I enter the finance office on campus and greet the secretary. "Good morning, Mrs. Raymond"

"Hello dear. It's very nice to see you again. What are you doing here?", Mrs. Raymond asks with a smile.

"Well first, I wanted to bring you these", I say before handing her a bouquet of purple asters, her favorites.

"Well first, I wanted to bring you these", I say before handing her a bouquet of purple asters, her favorites

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"Oh Y/N, these are beautiful. Thank you so much, you didn't have to get me anything", Mrs. Raymond tells me with a warm smile.

"Take it as a show of my gratitude, for helping me these past few years on continuing my studies. And it's also like, a bit of a farewell gift", I say, a bit sad myself. I've come every month to this office and talked to Mrs. Raymond about everything for the past 4 years. She has been a great help and become some sort of mother figure to me.

"When are you leaving?"

"Next week. After graduation, I'm packing the last things I have and flying back to New York", I tell her, and she gives me a sad look.

"Well, best of luck to you my dear. It was a pleasure to meet you and create this wonderful relationship we have", Mrs. Raymond tells me, and tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

"Thank you. I'm going to miss you though", I say before wiping my tears away and sighing. "Anyway, I came to do the last payment before graduation. But I kind of have a problem. I don't have all the money, just part of it. I was hoping to make a deposit and I'll figure out how to get the rest before the ceremony", I tell Mrs. Raymond and she gives me a confused look.

"Uh...Y/N, you don't have to pay for anything", Mrs. Raymond tells me and now I look at her confused.

"What do you mean I don't have to pay? How come?"

"Earlier in the month, someone came and paid for everything. They also gave me this", Mrs. Raymond says and hands me a white envelope with my name. I take it and open it slowly. Inside, there is around...10 thousand dollars!!!

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