Chapter 22: A Not-so-Happy Welcome Back

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Well, I'm sure that you're hurting inside
But why would you make your pain mine?
You're making me pay for your crimes
Darling, I'll be fine
But it's only a matter of time

Only A Matter of Time - Joshua Bassett

⚠️Trigger Warning: Attempt of Sexual Harassment ⚠️


November 29th, 2021

I got up today and went to my classes as always. For some reason, I felt really strange this morning, like something bad is going to happen.

Over the weekend, I texted Lizzie telling her about how Friendsgiving went, and she told me about how Thanksgiving with her family went, but her texts were short, cold even. I wanted to call her, but she told me she was busy every time I asked. And when I told her how excited I was to see her again, she didn't show the same excitement as me. Based on these events, I'm postponing my declaration of love to Lizzie. At least until I ask her what's going on with her, with us.

Right now, I'm on set. Today we're supposed to get everything cleaned up for the photoshoots. As I walk towards my station, I see Mr. Clarke with a woman.

"Good morning", I greet them. Both of them turn around, the woman gives me a warm smile, but Mr. Clarke looks guilty. "What's up?"

"Hello Y/N. I really need to talk to you", Mr. Clarke says making me worried.

"What's wrong?", I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"You see, this is Alice", Mr. Clarke says, and we both shake hands briefly. "Since she's better and we already finished filming, I don't need you anymore. So, your job in this production is done", he tells me, and I nod in understanding. I knew this day would come eventually, but I wasn't prepared for it to be so soon. Maybe that's why I felt strange this morning.

"That's alright. I'll just get my payment and leave", I tell Mr. Clarke and both him and Alice give me pity looks.

"That's the thing, Y/N. There have been some complaints about you being too close with the cast members and this not being very 'professional' of you. You're not just leaving, you're also getting fired"

"What?! Complaints?! But I haven't done anything wrong! And if I did, why complain about it now? There's not a logical justification", I tell my ex-boss a bit frustrated.

"I don't know what to tell you Y/N, I'm just following orders. But that's not all"

"There's more?!"

"I'm afraid so. Since I hired you independently and not through the company, and your exit from the project it's a disciplinary action, I've decided not to pay you", Mr. Clarke says and now I'm furious.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! So, let me get this straight. Since someone complained about me being 'too close' with the cast of the movie and I wasn't hired directly by the company, not only am I getting fired but I'm also not getting paid for the THREE months I've worked here?!", I say absolutely pissed.

"I'm really sorry Y/N, but there's nothing else to do", Mr. Clarke tells me like it's nothing. I just scoff in disbelief.

"No, you're not. You aren't sorry at all! Because if you were, you would pay me, because I've worked hard, I've helped you with everything you've asked me to, I even lied for you so YOU wouldn't lose your job! But I guess none of that matters now, because even though you've worked with me many times before and you specifically called ME to work for you on this project, you chose to believe the lies of other people and just threw me out! You know my situation; I have to pay for school. Aren't you going to help me out?", I plead to Mr. Clarke, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

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