Chapter 4: Beautiful is the Keyword

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You're insecure, don't know what for
You're turning heads when you walk through the door
Don't need makeup to cover up
Being the way that you are is enough

What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction

September 17th, 2021

I woke up at 7 AM. I don't have classes today but I do have filming and work at the club, so I have time to make myself some breakfast. I made scrambled eggs, with bacon and some toast along with fresh squeezed orange juice, because I like it like that and it is a great arm workout.

After finishing my breakfast, I cleaned up my kitchen and I got ready like any other day. I decided to wear some beige jeans, along with a navy, long sleeve Henley shirt, a pair of navy vans and a navy flannel jacket. I chose to wear a tan baseball cap New York theme to change it up a bit since today isn't as cold as it normally is in London this time of year. Now that I'm ready to go after making everything in my outfit match, I grab all my electronics and essentials, put them in my bag and head out of my loft into the metro station.

I arrived on set around 8:45 AM, filming started at 9 AM, so it looked like I had some time to spare. Doing my daily routine, I sign in with the guard at the front gate, walk to the assigned building for the production and go straight to the locker section to leave my bag and start to work. On my way to set, I walk by the dressing rooms, greeting some of the cast members that are getting into their costumes.

"Good morning, Mr. Cumberbatch", I greet the actor politely.

"Good morning, Y/N", he replies while struggling to clip Doctor Strange's cloak.

"Here, let me help you", I say before walking closer to him and clipping the cloak in place. "There you go. Ready to film? You'll be on wires all day", I say trying to make small talk.

"Yeah, I'm ready. I can't say the wires are my favorites but with the new gyroscope pieces, it does feel easier to move around and do any kind of movements while in the air"

"Well, I wish you the best of luck. I'll see you in a bit", I say receiving back a goodbye from the actor. As I continued walking down the large dressing rooms hall, I greeted Mr. Benedict Wong as well as Xochi who were practicing a TikTok dance. Poor Mr. Wong was struggling to get the timing right and Xochi was being so patient with him.

The only person missing from the cast was Miss Olsen. Her door was next, so I decided to continue walking and just say 'Good morning' so she doesn't think I'm ignoring her or something. When I arrived at her door, I saw it was open, nobody was inside. Maybe she hasn't arrived yet. Without anything else to do, I continued my way into the large set.

Today, as I mentioned to Mr. Cumberbatch, we are filming this big action sequence on the set of Kamar-Taj, the place where Doctor Strange was trained in the mystic arts. Since there will be people flying around in wires and explosions happening all around, today they called in a special emergency crew in case something happens. I know they are professionals and will be very helpful, but let's hope everything goes smoothly.

Everyone started to get to set. The actors and extras were getting their harnesses and gyroscope pieces put on, but there was someone still missing. Miss Olsen wasn't here, and it seemed not only I had noticed that. The directors and producers were talking through their radios to figure out if someone had seen her today and to see if someone could get a hold of her.

After a few people running around and some phone calls, they said that she had an emergency but that she would come in a little late. Since most of the main scenes were with her, we had to change the schedule and start filming all the scenes with the stunt doubles and the extras.

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