Chapter 28: Tell Me What You Want

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So tell me what you want to hear
Something that will light those ears
I'm sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

Secrets – One Republic

Lizzie's POV

March 4th, 2022

I'm back in Texas filming my show. I've been over here for almost two weeks, and I miss Y/N. She's been rocking it over in LA doing the casting and table reads, and back in Toronto with the first trial shoots for her movie, so we've both been busy. The good thing is we've been texting constantly, and things are like the old days, or at least, I feel like they are.

Although my whole life seems to be working like a well-oiled machine, it really isn't. After my birthday party, Robbie went back on tour, and it was just like he forgot about me. He doesn't text or call, and every time I talk to his manager, he just tells me Robbie is busy. I even tried to see if he could come visit me or I could go visit him, but he refused by saying we shouldn't put our jobs at risk and just wait until we see each other again.

We were supposed to talk about the press tour for the children's book we made together, which we announced its release back in December, but he hasn't even called me to see how I am doing. It's been really difficult dealing with his silent treatment and Y/N has been a great help by listening and telling me I'm looking too much into it. But I've been so worked up about it that I know Y/N is starting to get annoyed by my problems. She doesn't say anything, but her face says it all.

Going back to talking about her, we haven't talked about what she told me the day of her graduation. We haven't mentioned it at all. Y/N still flirts and teases me constantly, but she never mentions her confession, or if those feelings have changed. I really don't know what I would say if she brought it up either. We have a big problem in our hands.

I was walking back to set after lunch and saw the rest of the cast gathered in a group. I quickly join them. "Hey guys", I greet them, and they all greet me back.

"Hey Lizzie, ready to get back to work?", Krysten asks me, and I nod excitedly.

"Yeah, let's do this", I reply before we all walk towards the church where we're currently filming. We continued filming for about three more hours until we were finally finished for the day. Since tomorrow is the weekend, the only thing I want to do is get home and sleep.

During the last take of the choir scene, I had to sing a really high note for my range, but I've been practicing with a vocal coach, and thankfully, I hit it gracefully and continued with the scene.

Once the director called cut, everyone started clapping and it took me sometime to realize it was for me. I bowed awkwardly before stepping off the stage of the church. I was so anxious about everyone who just heard me singing, that the only thing I wanted was to run out of there.

I was walking through the aisle in the middle of the church, aiming straight for the exit, but before I could do that, a voice caught my attention.

"And you say you can't sing", the person says making me turn to my left to see who it is. She is leaning against the wall, her arms crossed, and a big smirk is plastered on her face.

"Y/N!!!", I yell before jumping into her arms. She catches me on time before we fall. She chuckles at my sudden reaction and hugs me tightly while spinning us around. Before I knew it, I was back on the floor, looking straight into her eyes, which are full of love and adoration for me. This causes for me to smile big and hug her once again. "What are you doing here? When did you arrive? How are you here?"

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