Chapter 41: Finding Out The Truth

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Maybe I should have noticed
You were just half in love
Maybe I should have noticed
That I'm not the only one

Somebody Told Me - Charlie Puth

⚠️Trigger Warning: Angst⚠️


May 27th, 2022

"And cut!", I yell out and the loud school bell from the studio rings around the set, signaling the end of filming for the day. "Good work everyone. Thank you for working so hard this week. Enjoy your weekend. I'll see everyone again on Monday. Bye", I tell everyone goodbye before walking back to my office.

On my way there, my phone starts buzzing. I quickly get it out of my pocket and see Becky calling me.

*Start of Phone Call 📞

Y/N: Hi Becky, is everything ok?

B: Not really. We need to talk. I've got to show you something.

Y/N: Okay, now you've worried me. What's wrong?

B: I can't tell you through the phone. Are you done filming?

Y/N: Yeah, I was on my way to the office to grab my things and leave.

B: I'll meet you there then. See you in a bit.

Y/N: Okay, see ya.

*End of Phone Call 📞

The call ends and I look at my phone confused. What does Becky have to tell me that's so important? I make my way to my office and find Becky pacing up and down the room with her phone in her hand while biting her nails.

"Are you ok?", I question really confused about her behavior while standing in the door.

"Good, you're here. Come in, close the door, and sit down", Becky tells me sternly while completely ignoring my question. Now I'm concerned.

"Did something happen with you? You seem particularly nervous, but also...mad? Do I have to kill someone, or did you already kill someone and you just summoned me here to help you clean up the crime scene?", I ask while joking a bit to try and lighten up the mood in the room.

"Nothing happened with me, but it surely has to do with us. I'm sure that after I show you what I have on my phone, you won't be making jokes about this anymore", Becky snaps back and I look at her shocked.

"What happened, Becky?", I ask again, now a bit annoyed about her talking to me in code and not telling me what's happening.

"You need to sit down first", Becky tells me, and I roll my eyes at her. She looks at me sternly waiting for me to comply, so I walk behind my desk and sit down.

"Happy? Now, tell me what's going on? I've never seen you like this"

"I need to show you something, but you have to promise me you won't freak out", Becky says, and I sigh desperately.

"Give me the phone already!", I say in an annoyed tone before trying to reach for the device. Becky is faster than me and moves it away so I can't take it away from her.

"Promise me, Y/N!"

"Alright, I promise! Now, give it to me", I say while offering my hand so she can pass me the phone. She takes a deep breath with her eyes closed and places the phone in my hand. I move it closer to me and start reading an article from E! News.

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