Chapter 48: The One to Blame

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But I can't be mad
For loving you that way
I can't be mad
I gave you my heart to break
Can drown in sorrow, try to numb the pain
But I can't be mad, because I'm the one to blame

I Can't Be Mad - Nathan Sykes

Lizzie's POV

August 14th, 2022

Right now, I'm at the golf club where my dad is a member to play some golf. He invited my mom and my sisters so we could catch up. We haven't been all together since my birthday. It was about time we gathered again.

"Who are we waiting for, Dad?", MK whines to my dad while we get our clubs from the reception. "If we keep waiting, we're getting gray hairs and I refuse to get old while in my age prime", she continues rather dramatically.

"A dear friend of mine is coming to play with us. Be a little patient, Mary-Kate", my dad tells my sister, earning another whine from her, making me chuckle at her childish behavior. And they say I'm the baby.

"What's with the mystery, David? Tell us who's coming already", my mom tells my dad, and he just gets his phone out of his pocket and calls someone.

"You'll see who it is once they arrive. I'm actually going to call them to see if they are almost here", my dad informs us before moving to the side to talk to whoever was coming to play with us.

While we waited, we decided which golf courses we wanted to play, and in which order we will play. I was so in trance with seeing the different courses that the club offers that only the bitter tone of Robbie's voice was able to bring me back to reality.

"What is she doing here?", Robbie whispers in my ear through gritted teeth, making me look up to see my worst nightmare unfold.

"Y/N, you're finally here!", my dad cheers while putting away his phone and walking closer to her before engulfing her on a hug. Since when are they such good friends?

"Hello, Mr. Olsen. Sorry for the delay, I got a bit lost", Y/N says embarrassed while giving one of her sweet smiles to my dad.

"Y/N, we haven't seen you in ages", MK says excited while running towards Y/N and giving her another hug.

"Yeah, you haven't invited us for brunch in so long. Since you've been in LA, you totally forgot about your New York friends", Ash tells Y/N acting a bit offended, but also joking with her. She has invited them to brunch?!

"Sorry about that too. I've been travelling back and forth between LA, New York, and Toronto thanks to the movie. I feel jetlagged most of the time, and the airport has become my home. But once I'm free again, I promise that the first thing I do will be to take you girls out for brunch", Y/N tells my sisters as if they've been friends all their lives.

"Y/N, sweetheart, it's so good to see you", my mom greets Y/N, and they share a long hug. My mom kisses Y/N's forehead like she does to all her children and that just about destabilizes me. All my family treats her like she's part of our family, but they don't know I broke her heart and that we're not even talking nowadays.

"Hi Jarnie. It's great to see you too. You look radiant", Y/N compliments my mom, and she just giggles at my ex's words. What the hell is going on?! Since when does my mom giggle?

"Did you know she was coming?", Robbie whispers again while taking a strong hold of my upper right arm.

"No, I didn't know. My dad didn't tell anyone about her coming to play with us", I whisper back while trying to get out of his grip, but he doesn't let me.

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