Chapter 7: How We Became Friends

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If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you

Count on Me - Bruno Mars

⚠️Trigger Warning: Panic Attack⚠️

Lizzie's POV

September 29th, 2021

It's been over a week since Y/N and I last spoke. After Monday's filming, we had a couple of meetings about how the press tour for this movie is going to happen since we are still in a pandemic. They also announced that since theaters worldwide are planning to reopen at the beginning of December, Marvel's movies' release dates have been moved yet again to make the new Spiderman movie be the first Marvel movie of Phase 4 to be released on cinemas instead of Disney+. All of these changes have caused for our movie to move its' release date from March 25th to May 6th.

During all of these meetings, only people from the company's PR team and the leaders of each crew were able to attend, meaning, I had to see her all through the week and not be able to talk to her. I couldn't even say a proper hello since we were busy working all the time we were together, and when we weren't together, she was avoiding me at all costs.

Today is Wednesday. We are back to filming the last scenes in the Mount Wundagore set before we have to start filming at the New York set. We aren't flying back to the US; the set is just a really detailed space that looks like New York.

I arrived very early on set and got my hair & makeup done rather quickly. As I was putting my costume on, I started to hear voices coming from outside. I knew exactly who it was. Just like any other day, Y/N would arrive and greet everyone on her way to her station. Everyone likes her, she is just so easy to like. Even though we don't talk much, she always says 'Good Morning' to me. I got to say, is the best part of my day. With my costume on, I walk to the door and open it right on time for Y/N to greet me.

She was talking with Xochi before leaving her to continue getting ready and started to walk towards me. "Good Morning, Miss Olsen", she says, her face immediately changes from her smiley self to a completely emotionless person.

"Good Morning Y/N, how are you today?", I say with a smile and hoping that me keeping the conversation going would make her speak to me more than 4 words. She was wearing another one of her nerdy t-shirts. This one was Jurassic Park themed.

"I've been better", she says plainly. No anger, no sadness or frustration, nothing at all.

"Well, I think today is going to be a great day. I wish for you to have one as well", I say. I swear I saw her lips bent into a small smile, but she made herself stop immediately.

"Thank you. I have to go to my station now, I don't want to be late", she says clearing her throat and leaving me alone in the hallway like any other day.

I don't know what to do. This random girl appears in my life and now I can't get her out of my head. I want to be around her all the time, I want to know how and what she is doing, just hearing her voice is enough for me to have a good day. It's even better when I get to see her, she changes my mood completely, in a good way I mean. It's like I crave her attention, I need her in my life like oxygen. What is happening to you Lizzie? You just met her, you two aren't even friends. Why does she cause all of these things in me?

I need to distract myself from her and the best way to do it is by working. I gather my things and get out of my dressing room followed by Sarah telling me everything we have for today. If everything goes well, we will be done by 3 PM and maybe I will get to see Robbie. We haven't seen each other in a while, maybe we can have a date night or something.

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