Chapter 43: We're over

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Well tell me how the hell are you alright
It's not alright
You make it look so easy
Tell me what it's like
To sleep well every night
Not fake it when you smile
To move on with your life
Fuck, it must be nice


⚠️Trigger Warning: Angst⚠️


June 13th, 2022

I was peacefully checking the schedule for this week's filming when the door of my office busted open. "Y/N, we need to talk to you!", the band states loudly, and I just put my hands up so they don't walk any further.

"Wow, wow, what's the rush? Why do you need to talk to me? Did something happen?", I ask them worried, seeing as they seemed desperate to talk.

"It isn't bad, Y/N. We were only wondering if you are going to Chris's party today?", April asks softly.

"Well, no. After wishing him a Happy Birthday, I informed him that I have to do a lot of arrangements for this month's filming to be able to finish on time before the Cannes Lion Festival and also to clear my schedule for the band's concerts", I explain to them, and they look between each other before pushing Tim forward. Apparently, they hadn't discussed whatever they wanted to ask me because Tim just looked back at them panicked before addressing me with a scared expression. "Why do you ask?"

"You see Y/N, after our first concert, Chris approached us and asked if we could play at the party. And we kind of, sort of, already accepted without telling you", Tim rambles nervously before turning himself into a ball. "Please, don't kill me", Tim lets out in a small voice and I just sigh.

"I'm not killing anyone", I say before standing up and walking closer to them, helping Tim up on the way. "I not that I don't want to go to the party, I do. Chris is my friend", I start.

"Then why aren't you going?", April asks me, and I just look down to my feet. They don't know about me and Lizzie, no one knows, and I don't intend to tell anyone either. But I really don't want to go to the party because Lizzie is going to be there, with Robbie.

"My ex is going to be at the party, and I don't think I can handle seeing her with her current partner", I say, not giving away too many details. They hum in response and stay quiet for a bit before talking again.

"But Y/N, this is a big opportunity for us. A lot of famous people are going to be there. We can get sponsors", Tim tries to reason with me.

"And we can't perform without you. 'Power Strike' is a 4-people band. We need you. You can even play one of your new songs", April offers, and I just stay silent. I really don't want to face Lizzie.

"But what good am I when I can't go more than two minutes without wanting to cry and scream? It's even worse if she's close to me", I share my worries with them, and they just look between each other again.

"That won't happen, Y/N. We will be there for you no matter what. That bitch won't hurt you. She'll have to go through us first", April reassures me, and I chuckle at her words.

"I don't know, guys", I say not really convinced.

"Come on, Y/N. A gig is a gig is a gig is a gig for the band", Logan comments with a smirk while shaking my shoulder.

"Trying to convince me using one of the lines from my favorite movie ever is unfair", I tell Logan serious, and he just chuckles at me, causing me to chuckle too. Of course he knew that would work.

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