Chapter 15: Matteo

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Almost, almost is never enough
So close to being in love
If I would have known that you wanted me
The way I wanted you, oh

Almost Is Never Enough - Ariana Grande (feat. Nathan Sykes)


October 24th, 2021

I woke up to the loud buzzing of my phone that was sitting on my nightstand. I move my hand to try and grab it, only to make it fall to the ground. I groan at the fact that I have to wake up fully if I want the buzzing to stop.

I roll in my bed and grab the phone from the floor. I sit up against the headboard and try to figure out the reason why my phone was buzzing. Today is Sunday, I don't have any alarms set for today. The screen turns on and the device starts buzzing again.

*Incoming Call from "Pouty Princess 👸🥺"

Oh shit. I forgot I invited Lizzie to come and hang out today. What time is it? 10:10 AM. Oh shit, again. I answer the call and start talking with my raspy morning voice.

*Start of Phone Call 📞

Y/N: Hello?

L: Oh my god Y/N, I've been calling you all morning! I was starting to get worried.

Y/N: Aww, you were worried about me, Princess? I know you can't live without me.

L: Really Y/N? You can't go one second without over flattering yourself? Can't you be serious for a second?!

Y/N: Nope, that's just how I am.

L: (Sigh) Anyway, why didn't you answer the phone?

Y/N: Sorry, I slept in. I got home really late yesterday after my shift.

L: Well, I kept my end of the deal and arrived on time, just like you told me. I'm outside of your loft.

Y/N: You're outside? Like, right now?!

L: Yes! Now get out of bed and open the door.

*End of Phone Call 📞

Before I could say anything back, she hangs up on me. With another groan, I get out of bed and down the stairs to open the door. As soon as I do that, I see the most beautiful sight there is.

"Good morning dork", Lizzie greets me with a grin on her face.

"Not even when I'm still half asleep and look terrible, can you stop teasing me?", I say glaring at her.

"Nope", she says before coming in. I just close the door and walk to my couch, plopping over it. "I brought you something", she says, getting a paper bag and a white disposable cup from behind her back.

"What's this?", I ask taking the bag and cup from her.

"I figured since you cooked breakfast for me on our last date, I could get you something this time. I got you some hot chocolate and a breakfast panini", she explains with a smile.

"This isn't a date, Olsen. I just asked you to hang out, AS FRIENDS", I say to the actress.

"Whatever you say, Girard", she tells me while making herself comfortable next to me. I just chuckle and take a sip from my hot chocolate.

"Mmm, this is delicious, and the panini smells amazing. Thanks Princess, truly. No one has ever done something like this for me before", I say with a smile. Looking back at her, she has a big frown. "What?"

Not for a Single Second - [Elizabeth Olsen]Where stories live. Discover now