Chapter 9: Friendly Outing

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I work hard, every day of my life
I work 'til I ache my bones
At the end (at the end of the day)
I take home my hard earned pay (goes home)
All on my own (goes home on his own)

Somebody to Love - Queen

Lizzie's POV

October 3rd, 2021

I woke up around 6:30 AM. Robbie had arrived around midnight. He was knocked out next to me. I wanted to get up and get ready for my 'date' with Y/N, so I slowly moved the covers off me and stepped out of the bed. The moment my feet touched the ground, a loud screech was heard, making Robbie wake up. "Hey, what are you doing up so early?", he says in a raspy voice, still half asleep.

"Oh, I'm meeting someone today", I say not giving him a lot of details so he will stop asking.

"Who? And why so early? It's Sunday"

"I'm meeting Y/N. She is a friend from the crew of the movie. She told me she would pick me up at 9 AM so we could hang out. She has another job, but she got the day off, that's why we are meeting today", I explain briefly while taking with me everything I need to take a shower and get ready for the day.

"Oh, alright. Well, are you going to be out all day? I thought that maybe today we could have that date night we've been postponing", he says making me feel a little annoyed.

"YOU have been postponing it. I've been free this past couple of days but you had something else to do. I understand it's your job, but I won't cancel my plans now that YOU want to be with me. Also, I don't know if I'll be out all day. It's most likely that I will, so don't wait for me"

"Ugh Lizzie, I'm too tired to fight with you this early", he says flopping back down on the bed and shoving his face further unto his pillow.

"You don't have to. Go back to sleep and I'll go get ready and leave", I say walking to the bathroom.

After my quick shower, I got ready with the outfit I settled for last night. I'm wearing a blue, short sleeve blouse, with some light blue jeans, as well as a pair of Nike sneakers and my favorite accessory, Y/N's leather jacket. It was kind of cold today, so I also grabbed a black beanie.

When I came out of the bathroom, Robbie was fast asleep, snoring loudly. I grab my phone and my charger and head out of the room. I make myself some coffee and my delicious anchovy toast. I was too into my breakfast that I hadn't noticed Y/N had texted me.

Dorkiest Bachelor 🦸

I'm outside

Princess Lizzie 👸

Oh ok, give me 5 minutes

I'll be right out

I get up from the kitchen counter, put the dishes on the dishwasher and head upstairs to my room to brush my teeth. I put on some perfume before walking down the stairs. I grab my purse, checking if I have a baseball cap and glasses on it, and head out closing the door behind me. I look at Y/N, who is sitting on the stairs of the house's porch. She must have listened to the door closing because she was looking back at me with a smile. She stands up and bows.

"Greetings, dear princess. Nice jacket. Are you ready for today's quest?", she says with a smirk, making me laugh.

"Hi Y/N. Thank you, someone really incredible gave it to me. And yes, I'm excited for today. What are we doing first?", I say walking down the lawn beside her.

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