Chapter 12: Grace

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I didn't know she was already spoken for
'Cause I'm not that kind of man
I swear that I would have never looked her way

Chicago - Michael Jackson


October 15th, 2021

It has been over a week since my debut at the club. We went back to filming reshoots and I've been crazy busy. I have been practicing my scene and musical performance with Andrea since Professor Simmons wanted to see our progress. So, after classes and filming, I had to meet Andrea on a park or at the campus to rehearse every day.

Today is Friday, I don't have classes but Andrea does, and since I have to be on set after lunch, I asked Mr. Clarke if I could bring Andrea to set and rehearse in an empty studio next to our filming warehouse, that way, I don't have to move around the city and can be on time for work. He gladly accepted so, right now I'm in the studio, reading through my lines and warming up my voice for the song.

As I'm singing the last few words, my phone starts ringing, cutting the music and making me pick it up quickly to see Andrea calling me. She told me she was at the front gate, so I quickly made my way over to her.

"Hey Monty", I greet the security guard, now us being best friends since we see each other pretty much every day.

"Hey Y/N, do you know this young lady?", he asks, pointing at Andrea with his head.

"Yeah, she's with me. Remember I told you I got permission from Mr. Clarke to rehearse for my class presentation? Well, she's my partner in the assignment", I explained briefly.

"I see", he says before looking at Andrea. "Well, I'm going to need your ID. After that, you can only go were Y/N goes, understood?", Monty tells Andrea with an intimidating look. Andrea just nods, not being able to say anything else, and gives Monty her ID, before I lead her to the studio.

Once we got there, we immediately got to work. It was around 11 AM when we started practicing the scene. We were doing really good, not looking at our scripts so much and being more natural with our acting. Then, we decided to practice the song. We both knew it by heart, but we had to sketch out our movements and somewhat choreography through the stage. Thankfully, the studio had a small stage where we could practice as if it was the real thing. After three full-effort runs of the song, we both drop to the ground to catch our breaths and drink some water.

Unknown to us, someone had been around the studio and heard our rehearsal. Not only that, they had entered the room and had caught a glimpse of the ending of the song.

"You guys were amazing", a female voice says, making Andrea and I both shoot up from laying on the stage's floor only to see the cutest girl, with the cutest smile in the whole wide world, making me smile instantly.

"Hey Lizzie", I say jumping off the stage and walking closer to her.

I wanted to hug her, spin her around and fill her face with kisses, something I've been doing for the past few days every time we saw each other, but I didn't know if she would feel comfortable with me doing it in front of someone else, especially a stranger. So, I just hugged her normally and retreated myself, leaving one arm around her shoulders. When I looked back at Andrea, she was in shock. I just chuckle at her reaction.

"Andrea meet Lizzie. Lizzie meet Andrea, she is my partner in my 'Acting' class's final project. Remember I told you we were doing 'Take Me or Leave Me' from Rent?", I ask looking back at the actress. She just nods, looking straight at Andrea. I felt her tense up under my embrace. What's going on with her? "Andrea, I'm sure you know who Lizzie is", I say in a duh tone.

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