Chapter 13: Michelle

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Do you know what is to be the one to fix you?
And all you do is run back to the one who breaks your heart
You're makin' this too hard

Hard - Why Don't We


October 21st, 2021

Filming has been crazy. Not only that, every single day we have been on meetings with the PR teams. There are a lot of things in this movie that are 'leak' material. We have been warned about taking our phones or any other devices out during the meeting or the shoots, since the last big leak was the whole plot of the movie back in August. Everything is so top-secret that today, they took our phones away before we entered the meeting room.

The bad news is that, whenever the bosses start talking about things that don't concern me, I get bored as hell without my phone. I could text Lizzie or Julie, but now, I can't do any of that. The good news is that, Lizzie is actually in this meeting and we sat down next to each other, so right now, I'm doodling on a page from my 'meetings' notebook and passing it over to Lizzie so she can continue with the masterpiece. It turned out pretty cool.

We were giggling at our poor drawing skills and got a couple of looks and glares from the people in the room

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We were giggling at our poor drawing skills and got a couple of looks and glares from the people in the room. When the page was full, I turned the page for a fresh, blank one, but this time, I started writing so we could have a conversation, just like if we were texting.

*Read the conversation on the images

Once Lizzie read what I wrote, she turned around and very discreetly, punched my arm

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Once Lizzie read what I wrote, she turned around and very discreetly, punched my arm. "Ow!", I whisper yell at the actress. Lizzie just settles back on her seat like nothing happened while I continue to rub my arm.

"Is there anything you need to say, Ms. Girard?", Mr. Peters asks, the head chief of the lighting crew.

"No sir, you can continue", I say embarrassed. Lizzie is going to pay for this.

I grab the notebook, write my response and pass it over to Lizzie. At first, she didn't want to look, but after poking her side, making her squirm, getting dirty looks just like I got, she finally reads the notebook and answers.

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