Chapter 20: Playing Dumb

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When people ask about us, now, we just brush it off
I don't know why we act like it means nothing at all
I wish that I could tell you that you're all that I want, yeah

Why - Shawn Mendes

⚠️Trigger Warning: Panic Attack⚠️

Lizzie's POV

November 1st, 2021

I woke up at five in the morning. I only slept four hours. I got ready and went to see Robbie. Like expected, he had a killer hangover. I gave him some painkillers and told him to get a cold shower so we could be on time at the airport.

Around 6:30 AM, my phone dinged. I hadn't checked anything yet and it was very early in the morning for someone to be texting me. I turned on my phone and a smile instantly appeared on my face.

My Angel 🦸 😇

Hi Princess

Hope you got a few hours of sleep

I don't know when the flight is, but I do know the plumber in distress is not going to be ok

I prepared some chilaquiles for the both of you

I left them on your doormat along with some waters, Gatorade and medicine

Hope they help

I'm on my way to school

Text me if you need anything else and I'll text you back as soon as I can

I love you 😚

My Princess 👸 🥰

Thank you so much, Angel

You didn't have to do that, but thank you anyways

You are my super hero

I'll text you when I arrive at the airport and once I'm free

Good luck on your class

I love you too ❤️

I laugh at Y/N's texts and smile thinking of how amazing she is. Even though she didn't have to wake up so early, come to my house and deliver food, she still did it, for me. Gosh, I love her so much.

"What has gotten you so smiley this early in the morning?", Robbie asks walking into the kitchen.

"I got a food delivery. Maybe after eating, you'll lighten up a bit", I tell him before walking to the door and opening it. I grab the paper bag and walk inside the house again. "Here it is. This will help you with the hangover", I explain while taking out the containers and putting the food into plates to heat it up. Once is warm, I pass the plate to Robbie with a Gatorade bottle.

"What is this?", he asks looking at the food skeptical.

"These are chilaquiles. It's a Mexican dish that helps with hangovers. They are fried tortillas with green pepper sauce. It has queso fresco over it. That's a type of cheese and it also has onions and chicken. It isn't that spicy either. Eat up", I tell him before I dig in.

"Since when do you like onions? Or spice?"

"Since mine doesn't have onions. And, as I said, it isn't that spicy. Come on, try it", I tell Robbie encouraging him to take a bite. Robbie does just that and starts savoring the food. The frown he had, changed for two raised eyebrows.

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