Chapter 23: Making Things Right

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You know you need to get yourself to sleep and dream
A dream of you and I
There's no need to keep an open eye
I promise I'm the one for you
Just let me hold you in these arms tonight

Sunflower - Rex Orange County

Lizzie's POV

December 9th, 2021

It's been over a week after I came back and had that uncomfortable encounter with Mr. Clarke. I've been on set doing the photoshoots. I've also overseen a bit of the editing process. The company ended up hiring Alice, Mr. Clarke's assistant, as the new stage manager. She's very kind and has done an outstanding job. But she's not Y/N.

Talking about Y/N, I think it is time I talk to her. After her texts from Tuesday, she hasn't texted me again. She hasn't called me either, so I just assumed she's sad or pissed that I just ignored her. So, I decided today is the day we'll talk.

Right now, I'm in front of her loft's door. I take a deep breath before knocking. A few seconds later, I hear shuffling behind the door and prepare myself to face her again. To my surprise, the door swings open but I'm met with a tall young man.

"Hello, can I help you?", the young man asks.

"'re not Y/N. She lives here", I tell him in a duh tone.

"No, I'm Ashton. Are you looking for someone?", he asks with a confused look.

"Yeah, Y/N Girard. She's the owner of this loft". He thinks for a moment before realization hits his face.

"Oh, you're talking about the old owner. Ms. Girard sold me the loft a few days ago. I just finished moving here", he tells me with a smile before offering me his hand to shake. I shake it skeptical before answering.

"Why would she sell her loft?", I ask really confused.

"I don't know the reason. I just know she gave me a really good deal for it", he explains and I just nod. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Do you know where she moved by any chance?", I ask hopeful. He shakes his head and I thank him for his help before he closes the door.

Why would Y/N sell her loft? She doesn't have anywhere else to go. Now, where can I find her? Oh right, the club. It's still early but maybe I can find her there. It's worth a shot.

I drive to the club and greet Tony as I always do. He lets me in, and the club is empty. Great. I was about to leave but then someone called my name.

"Lizzie!", Willa says making me turn around. She walks towards me looking confused.

"Hi Willa"

"Hi Lizzie. What are you doing here? Girard isn't on until later tonight"

"Yeah, I know. But I was hoping I could see if she was here or ask you if you know where she is? I went to see her at her loft and the guy living there told me she sold it earlier this week", I explain to Willa, but her confused look becomes more intense.

"You don't know?"

"Don't know what?"

"She got fired from set", Willa tells me, and I get sad again. I'm trying to forget about that.

"Yeah, I found out last week, but what does that have anything to do with Y/N selling her loft?"

"She was planning on selling her loft before she left anyway, but since she got fired without pay, she really needed the money to pay for school and her move back to New York. But the money she got from the sale wasn't enough, so she got a part-time job at the diner across the street. If she doesn't make the last two payments to her school, she can't graduate. And she has to do that plus the move before her visa expires", Willa explains to me, and I feel even worse after this.

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