Chapter 37: Revelations

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I would never fall in love again until I found her
I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you

Until I Found Her – Stephen Sanchez

⚠️Trigger Warning: Mention of attempted SA⚠️

Lizzie's POV

"I think you and I need to talk", Y/N tells me, and I stay there frozen. What does that mean?! Who is this woman and why is she being so affectionate with MY GIRLFRIEND?!

"Who is this, Y/N?!", I ask through gritted teeth, while pointing at the woman next to her.

"Princess, this is my aunt Carmen. Tía, this is Lizzie, my-", Y/N starts but I don't let her finish.

"Her GIRLFRIEND", I say, letting my jealousy take over my words. But wait...Aunt? Y/N doesn't have any family.

"So, this is the girl Larky can't stop talking about", the woman named Carmen who is apparently Y/N's aunt teases Y/N, causing for my girlfriend to sulk in embarrassment. "It's very nice to meet you. Please, come on in", Carmen tells me while offering her hand for me to shake. I shake her hand briefly but deny her invitation to walk inside the house.

"It's very nice to meet you too, but I'm not going anywhere until Y/N tells me what's going on", I say addressing my girlfriend who takes a step forward to embrace me, but I move away.

"Come on Princess, we should really talk. We can't stay out here. It's freezing. We have hot chocolate and the chimney going. Come inside, that way we can talk comfortably", Y/N offers sweetly.

While she gave her little speech, she had moved closer to me again and had grabbed both of my hands. She was looking straight into my eyes, not with guilt but with so much care, love and hope. I relax under her embrace before nodding slightly.

"Okay", is the only thing I say before Y/N lets go of one of my hands to grab my suitcase and leads us inside the house. She left the suitcase in the foyer before walking us inside a cozy living room setup, not letting go of my hand ever.

"Hey everyone, I want you to meet Lizzie, my girlfriend", Y/N announces proudly to the three people in the living room. There was a man with glasses moving the wood inside the fireplace, an elderly dark-skinned lady sorting out a puzzle, and a young girl, probably in her teenage years, drinking what I assumed was hot chocolate, all cuddle up in a recliner. When she saw me though, she almost choked on her hot drink.

"Your girlfriend is Elizabeth FREAKING Olsen?!", the girl asks Y/N, causing her to chuckle while nodding in response.

"Yeah. Do you know another Lizzie Olsen who plays the Scarlet Witch?", Y/N inquires, and the girl just hums in response.

"No, I do not", the girl simply responds before going back to her old position, making me chuckle at her antics.

"Anyway. Princess, this is my family. You already met my aunt Carmen. She's one of my mom's sisters", Y/N starts introducing me to everyone.

"Hi Lizzie, we're happy you're here", she tells me sweetly and I give a thankful nod back.

"The guy over there is my uncle Joe, my aunt's husband", Y/N tells me, and the man immediately stands up and walks in our direction.

"Joseph Harris, pleasure meeting you Lizzie", the man says and offers his hand to me. We shake hands briefly before he goes to sit down next to Carmen, who was now sitting on a nearby couch.

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