Chapter 27: Birthday Full of Surprises

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You make me wanna sing another love song
Loud enough for everybody to hear
You make me wanna sing another love song
And it started from the day you appeared

Another Love Song - Ne-Yo

Lizzie's POV

February 16th, 2022

Today is my birthday! At the beginning of the week, I got back to LA to attend some meetings for a couple of events I've been invited to next month. Even though I was called in for another meeting today, my team actually surprised me with a small get-together and a cake. Everyone sang 'Happy Birthday' to me, and I wished for something I don't think will come true.

The good thing about all of this is that I'll be able to relax and spend the rest of the day alone with Robbie. He came back earlier this week to surprise me for Valentine's Day. He took me to a library and bought me a few new books, we went to the beach and had a nice walk and finished the day with a nice, candle lit dinner. It was such a dream and a much-appreciated change of pace for the both of us. We finally got to be together after such a long time of only working.

Right now, I'm getting ready in my dressing room, with a beautiful yellow pantsuit and my favorite piece of clothing, Y/N's leather jacket. Robbie told me he has a surprise for me. I told him he didn't have to do anything, but he insisted to give me this 'surprise' after the many arguments we've had. He said this will be the perfect opportunity to spend time together without fighting.

I walk out of the building, say a couple of goodbyes, and spot my lover, leaning against our car, with a bouquet of roses. I fasten my pace, and he opens his arms for me to fall in. We hug each other close before sharing a long, sweet kiss.

"Thank you, babe", I say while admiring the flowers.

"Anything for the birthday girl", he tells me before moving us away from the car and opening the passenger's door for me. I carefully get inside and wait for him to get in his seat.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going now?", I ask hopeful, doing my best puppy eyes.

"Nope. You'll see when we arrive", he simply tells me before starting the car and driving to our next location. I let out a frustrated huff and sit back on my seat, making him chuckle. The drive was nice, I got to relax next to my lover just like I wanted, but I was kind of confused when we arrived at our house. "We're here", Robbie says before getting out of the car and running over to my side to open my door.

"My surprise is here?", I ask him while taking his hand to get out of the vehicle.

"Be patient, Beth", he tells me while grabbing my hand and walking us to the front door. He opens it slowly and lets me in.

We walk further into the house and just when we reach the living room, the lights turn on and a loud "Surprise! Happy Birthday Lizzie!", is heard all over the house.

"Oh my gosh! Hi everyone", I say while waving at everyone that is in my house with one hand and covering my mouth in shock with the other one. "You planned this?!", I turn and ask Robbie, who has a cheeky smile.

"Happy Birthday, my love", he tells me before we share another kiss, and everyone awes at us. We start laughing, causing us to break the kiss. I look around the room and everyone is here. My friends from the Marvel cast, my life-long friends, my family and...

"Clay!", I scream and run towards my best friend.

"Hi beautiful. Happy Birthday", he tells me while we give each other a long hug.

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