Chapter 11: Gaby

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I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it

I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry

Lizzie's POV

October 4th, 2021

I woke up with a massive headache. I didn't want to open my eyes. I could feel the outside light hitting me straight in the face. I move my hand around to feel if Robbie was still in bed with me, but I didn't find anything. I open one of my eyes and realize that not only Robbie isn't here, I'm not in my bed.

I shoot up unaware of where I am. As I look around, memories start to come back to my mind. I was with Y/N before I blacked out. We were at her loft and I was drinking while we watched the movie.

Before I could get out of the bed, a door next to the bed swung open, making me look back and see Y/N getting out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel.

"Good morning, Princess", she says walking towards the railing to hang the towel.

"What's good about it?", I say while rubbing my eyes, ruffling my hair back, still with a big headache.

"Someone's very grumpy today", she says while laughing a bit. "I guess you have a raging headache?". I nod. "Yeah, I can only imagine. There's a pitcher with water, a glass and some Advil on the nightstand", she says pointing to the medicine and drink placed to my left.

"Thanks", I say as I take the pitcher and serve myself some water to take the medicine. After the pill went down my throat, I just lay my back close to the headboard and look at Y/N while she finishes brushing her hair. "You look beautiful with your hair down", I blurt out without realizing what I just said.

"Thanks", she tells me with a small blush before proceeding to put her hair into a ponytail, making me remember that I have never seen her without one.

"Why do you always wear a ponytail?"

"When I wear it down and see myself in the mirror, I look exactly like my mom. After she passed away, well, I couldn't handle seeing myself like that, so I just put it in a ponytail. Besides, it is more practical when I have to walk around London every day", she says making me regret why I asked.

"Then, why don't you just cut it? Maybe get a makeover?"

"I've never gotten myself to actually do it", she says before going to her closet, grabbing a red flannel jacket and walking towards me. She grabs a bottle of perfume from the nightstand and sprays it behind her ears, over her chest, on her wrists, and over her...crotch area? Weird.

"So, that's why you smell so good. You use half the bottle every day", I tease her.

"You are correct. Phenòmena for Women from Beautìk London, makes everyone crazy for a piece of Y/N", she says with a smirk. She starts walking to the stairs but turns back around before even stepping on them. "I almost forgot. Last night after you fell asleep, your fiancée called you. I answered the call", she says, making me gulp harshly.

"What did he say? And what did you tell him?", I ask nervous about their first conversation ever.

"Well, he asked why I was answering your phone, so I told him who I am and explained that you had been drinking and were fast asleep. And, since I don't have a car and it was a little past midnight, I had decided to let you sleep over. I also told him I would tell you he called and that you would call him back first thing in the morning. You should do that right now. Once you finish, you can join me downstairs for some breakfast", she tells me before heading downstairs.

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