Chapter 8: What I'm Looking For

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Maybe I'm too picky, honey (Uh huh)
But I'm not in the world you're in (hah, hah, hah)
I'm not in it for the money, ooh
I'm just looking for the real thing

Can't Sleep Love - Pentatonix

Lizzie's POV

October 2nd, 2021

Wednesday wasn't what I expected it to be, but at the end of the day, everything went great. I can officially say that Y/N and I are friends. Later that night, the first thing I did as soon as I arrived home was text her.

*Start of Flashback

I pay and thank the taxi driver, immediately exiting the vehicle and searching for my keys to enter my rented home. All the lights were off. Robbie was supposed to be here tonight. "Robbie?", I call out for my lover. I didn't get a response so I got my phone out to see if he had texted me.

My Robbie ❤️

Hey Beth, I got caught up in the band's rehearsal

We planned to go out for drinks later

Don't wait for me

I have some amazing news to share with you

I love you, sweet dreams

My Lizzie 💖

Ok lover, please be careful

Ooooo news, can't wait to hear them

I love you too, don't get home too late

Since he wasn't here, seems like we won't have our date night. I'm hungry. I walk to the kitchen and get myself some leftover ravioli from last night's dinner. After I finished, I look at the clock and see the time is 10 PM. I'm not sleepy yet and I'm not in the mood to watch something. What am I supposed to do now? Oh, I know.

Unknown Number

Hello Dorkiest Bachelor

Dorkiest Bachelor 🦸

Good evening

I assume this is Princess Lizzie

"Dorkiest Bachelor🦸" changed your contact name to "Princess Lizzie 👸"

Princess Lizzie 👸

Yes, it's me

What are you doing?

Dorkiest Bachelor 🦸


Oh right, you're a student

What are you studying by the way?

I'm studying filmography

I want to be a director

That's awesome

What's your homework about?

I have to create yet another original story for my 'Creative Writing' Class

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