Chapter 2: Thoughts in my Head

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Keep thinking 'bout 'em (girls!)
If they get in my way
Got myself thinking about 'em all day (girls!)
They're all I could see
I don't care if they out of my reach

Girls - AJ Mitchell

"Uh yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I zoned out. Hello Miss Olsen, is very nice to meet you. I hope we can work in a very good matter during the project as well", I say moving my hand forward to shake her hand.

"Oh, don't worry, Honey. It happens sometimes. And I'm sure we will have a great time together", the actress says while still shaking my hand. I couldn't stop looking at her, she is even more beautiful in person. I analyzed every inch of her face; from her perfect eyebrows, to those breathtaking emerald eyes, to her cute button nose, to her subtle but bright smile. It seemed like she was intrigued by me as well because she hasn't stopped looking at me ever since we made eye contact. "If you don't mind me asking, have we met before? I feel like I've seen you somewhere"

"Well, actually..."

"Places everyone, we are going to start filming scene 67. Actors, please take your positions", the director Sam Raimi says as I was trying to explain that we had seen each other earlier that day.

"Let's go Y/N, we have to make sure everything is ready", Mr. Clarke tells me.

"Oh ok, I'm coming", I say back before turning myself to address Miss Olsen. "Seems like we have to go do our jobs", I say scratching the side of my arm as I feel a bit bummed but also nervous.

"Seems like it. Well, it was nice meeting you Y/N, I'm sure we will have time to continue chatting. Right now, I have to go prepare myself, you know, get in the zone", she says, moving her hands in a shuffle motion making me chuckle at her goofiness.

"Yeah, you go do that. Bye, Miss Maximoff", I say with a cheeky smile before turning around and approaching Mr. Clarke. From the corner of my eye, I could see Miss Olsen blushing a bit. I did that, can you believe it?!

Immediately, I grab a headset to be connected with all of the crew members at the set. I don't know if I mentioned this, but I have collaborated in some movie productions before so, one by one, I start checking in with sound, stunts, image, lighting, the actors and writers to see if they are ready. After receiving confirmation from everyone, I go back to sit next to Mr. Clarke, informing him everything is ready. As the stage manager, he gives a thumbs up to the directors who start speaking to begin filming.

"Everyone's ready, we're about to start. Make up crew, out of camera sight please. Actors know their lines, lets' make it a one-take, shall we? Scene 67, mark. Action!", Raimi says before a complete silence falls into the room.

We see Wanda, barefoot, approaching this lab where Dr. Palmer is trying to get America out of a glass cell. America gets so desperate that out of fear hits the glass one time, both of them amazed. Then she does it a second time and the glass breaks, making the director yell "Cut! Awesome. Scenography crew, please proceed and remove the glass so we can continue with the scene"

In real life, the glass of course didn't break, all of that is done in editing. The crew entered the set and removed the glass wall carefully before the director called everyone back to places to continue with the scene. There were a few other scenes that were filmed through the day, which I absolutely loved since I got some pretty big spoilers on who is going to be in the movie. The only thing I'll say is, it is a nostalgia technique skillfully used by Marvel directly aimed for the OG fans.

After almost 3 hours of shooting, they called in lunch break. I was really happy about that. I didn't have a very fulfilling breakfast. As everyone was heading out of the set, a few of the crew members I got to meet during the tour invited me to grab some Shawarmas at a restaurant from around the corner. I gladly accepted.

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