Chapter 31: The Things You Do to Me

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'Cause my heart starts beatin' a triple times
With thoughts of lovin' you on my mind
But I can't figure out just so what to do
When the cause and cure is you, you

Weak - Larissa Lambert


March 13th, 2022

After our first 'official' date yesterday, Lizzie invited me to stay over at her house. I felt a little weird entering a space she shared for so long with Robbie but being with her made me forget all about those bad thoughts.

She finally showed me her garden. She looked so cute while explaining to me everything that she has been growing, and she even made a delicious dinner for the both of us with a couple of ingredients she got from it.

When it was time to go to bed, I didn't know what to do. Again, the bed was something Lizzie and Robbie shared. I really didn't know all those little details would bother me, but thankfully, Lizzie was able to recognize my discomfort and we ended up sleeping on one of the guest bedrooms.

Right now, I'm in the living room looking at a bookshelf full of poetry books, photos, and small decorative pieces, when suddenly a pair of hands slide around my waist. The familiar vanilla scent and the small trail of kisses on my back lets me know it's my Princess.

"What are you looking at?", Lizzie asks me cutely and I turn around a bit to hug her back.

"Nothing special, just admiring your book selection. You like poetry?", I ask her back and she nods against my chest.

"Yeah, I think poetry is an elegant way to express feelings", she explains to me, and I raised my eyebrows impressed.

"I think you just said something poetic", I say wiggling my eyebrows and we share a small laugh. "When are your teams arriving?"

"In a couple of minutes", Lizzie tells me, and I nod in response. Today is the Critics' Choice Awards ceremony and Lizzie was invited to it. Since Robbie is on tour and me and Lizzie aren't anything official, she's going alone, but she'll meet her friend Kathryn there.

"I don't know why you need to get all glammed up. I looooove the 'Lizzie in pajamas' look. You look stunning, it favors all your curves", I tell Lizzie while running my hands up and down her sides and back, and she laughs loudly.

"You and your attempts of compliments", Lizzie says in between chuckles, and I gasp offended.

"Hey! They're not attempts, I truly believe what I'm telling you. Whether you put the prettiest make up, the sexiest dress and do the fanciest hairstyle, you'll always look beautiful to me", I tell her, getting our lips closer as I speak, before leaving a small kiss near her lips. I could see her blushing hard, and I heard her swallow the lump in her throat.

"I...I should go...get...ready", Lizzie manages to say before clearing her throat and walking away from my grasp. I chuckle to myself before turning around and flopping on the couch. I was read proofing one of the scripts for my movie when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!", Lizzie yells through the house and a few moments later, a bunch of people with suitcases and bags entered the room.

"Hello Y/N", Clay greets me, and I walk closer to shake his hand, but he pulls me in for a hug. I was confused about his attitude since last time, I could swear he wanted to kill me with his gaze, but it seemed I made a good impression on him, so I hugged him back briefly. "What are you doing here?", he asks once we pull away.

" in LA, I'm working on my first movie. Here in Lizzie's house, we were hanging out very late yesterday, so she let me stay over for the night. She also wanted some emotional support before the ceremony. You know, with her anxiety and all", I explain to him, and he just hums in response.

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