Hard Truth

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[Author’s notes: This chapter is all in Candice’s POV and mostly dialogue.]

Candice’s POV
After signing some more paperwork and getting a copy of the ultrasound, we headed back to my place to talk. G: “that was such a surreal experience” C: “it really was” G: “I think we should start talking about your birth plan and finding an OBGYN because we will be in Van” C: “yeah we can do that later, right now we need to finish our conversation from earlier” I put my head down as I pull him to the couch so we can talk. G: “ok so where do you wanna start” C: “we first need to talk about how this will effect the show because we are going into season 5 and my character isn’t supposed to be pregnant any time soon” G: “I didn’t think about that, but I’m sure they will figure it out, but we should probably call them tomorrow because hiatus is almost over” C: “that’s a good idea” G: “while we are on the topic of telling people, which of our friends know you are pregnant already” C: “just Keiy, Caity, and Danielle, but only because they were with me when I took the test last week” G: “ok that’s fine is there anyone else you wanna tell” C: “just our castmates and family because they are bound to find out when I start to show” G: “ok that’s fine, are you gonna tell them I’m the dad” C: “that’s up to you because you are the one in a relationship... speaking of relationships how are you gonna tell LA and your family” G: “well I wasn’t planning on tellin LA because I was just gonna break it off when I mustered up the courage to leave her, as for my family I don't really know, I guess around the same time you tell yours” C: “G you can’t not tell her she deserves to know” G: “why though it’s not like I cheated on her” C: “I know that but you still got the one girl that she doesn’t really like pregnant” G: “you do have a point I’ll figure something out” C: “well until then we can’t be with eachother in a romantic way because I will not be a homewrecker” G: “but I don’t want to go back, I wanna be with you” C: “I understand that but you still have a fiance who loves you and even if we do end up together in the future, we can’t say anything to the media for a while because of the simple fact they will think you where cheating on LA with me" G: “ahhh fine but only for you, speaking of media are you gonna tell the world you are pregnant” C: “probably not until after the baby is born” G: “what do you mean” C: “like I will hide my pregnancy the best I can until the baby is born then post a picture with their name and birthday or something like that” G: “oh I get it, are you still gonna post though” C: “yeah I kinda have to so no one gets suspicious, I will probably just post unseen old pictures, wear baggy clothing, or just take a lot of pictures now while I’m not showing and post them every once in a while” G: “that’s smart… one last question” G: “what will you do about paparazzi” C: “probably just say I’m getting fat or something I’ll figure that out when we get there, all I know is that as soon as I post that picture letting the world know there is no going back” G: “yeah but I can’t wait because that means we can post all the cute pregnancy photos I will take of you” he laughs C: “as long as they are actually cute” I chuckle. G: “they will be cute to me” I roll my eyes and look at the time on my phone C: “G what did you tell LA when you left the house” G: “that I had to go because of an emergency why” C: “because you have been with me for about 4 hours and I bet she is worried sick about you” G: “I doubt it she hasn’t even texted me” C: “you sure because I remember you putting your phone on silent when we got in the car” he checked his phone and a wave of panic washed over his face and I knew he was probably in big trouble. C: “I’m guessing by the look on your face she has texted you” he nods his head. C: “Well then, what are you waiting for? Go!” G: “I am, love you, see you in 3 weeks” C: “love you too” and with that, he grabs his coat and hurries out the door.

Sorry for being away for so long, I got a little  busy, but to make up for it, I'm posting 2 parts today. Hope you enjoy loves <3

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