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Grant’s POV
It’s 6am and we just arrived at the airport for our 6:30 flight. Since we are flying private, we went through a different security and didn’t have to worry about being in disguise. Candice didn’t get much sleep last night because the baby was really active, so she is a little cranky this morning. It won’t last long though because right now she thinks her brother Adrian and his family will be out of the country during Christmas, but little does she know they are also gonna be spending Christmas with us along with my siblings Gracie and Tyler. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when we walk in the airbnb. All together there will be 11 people and 5 dogs in a 6 bedroom house and I can’t wait.

Candice’s POV
We just boarded the plane and got settled in. 2 weeks ago, the dogs chewed up my pregnancy pillow, so I haven’t gotten the best sleep recently. Me and Grant decided that we would send all the gifts for each other and our families to my parents' house pre-wrapped, so all we have to do when we get there is take them to the airbnb. I’m a little bummed that my brother and his family won’t  be there but he promised that he would Facetime me when we open presents. We have a 3 ½  hour flight ahead of us, so I get comfy with my blanket and pillow and grab Grant’s hand as we take off. Soon enough, I dozed off, and when I woke up again, we were in Dallas. We grab our things, put the dogs back in their carriers, and then Grant helps me off the plane. We rented out a car so we could drive ourselves to my parents' house, so as Grant helped me get settled in, the bag boys put all our bags in the car. After about 15 minutes, we start our drive to my parent’s house, and I can finally get excited. It is 12:30 now and we should arrive at my parents' house around 1. I think we should be the second people to come in because I think Grant’s parents got in this morning.

Grant’s POV
We arrive at C's parent's house and knock on the door. We grabbed the dogs and left the bags in the car because the airbnb should be ready at 2. Right now, C thinks only my parents have made it, but actually, her brother's family is hiding in the guest room. Soon enough, the door opens, and we are greeted by Mr.P. Mrs.P: "Hi baby, hi Grant." she gives us a hug. C: "Hi, mom." G: "Hi Mrs. P" Mrs.P: "Come on in. " we walk in and see our parents had started a spades game. Mr.G: "y'all wanna play." G: "Yeah, in a little imma, take C to the guest room, for she can lay down." Mrs. G: "ok." we hug my parents and Mr.P, and the plan is a go. I walk Candice to the bedroom with my hand on her back while her mom films us discreetly from the back. Her brother's wife is also filming from the guest room. We open the door, and her brother jumps out. A: "surprise" she jumps back and puts her hands over her mouth. C: "Oh my gosh, what are you doing here? " Tears start to fall down her face. A: "Did you really think I would miss a chance to spend Christmas with my family?" He goes and hugs her. G: "sup Adrian" A: "sup G" we bro hug. C: "Did you know he was here?" she says, now wiping away her tears. G: "mayyybe," I say innocently, then C playfully slapped my arm. C: "Gosh, you always do this, and I always end up crying." G: "it's my job." I give her an innocent smile, then hug and kiss her temple. C: "Hey Emma" she walks over to hug Adrian's wife, who has their daughter Harlee in her hands. E: "Hey, C" C: "Hey Harl". I walk over and say hello before we all head back out to the living room to catch up. After a while, we start putting all the presents and the tree in my dad's truck, and we head over to the airbnb.

Candice’s POV
We made it to the airbnb, and I'm so happy my brother and his family are down here. We drew out of a hat to see which room everyone got, and we pulled the master, which I was really happy about because it was really nice. It had a jacuzzi and was closest to the kitchen. When we all finally got settled in, we heard the doorbell ring, so me and Grant went to open the door. GG: "Hey Grant hey C" C&G: "Hey Gracie, hey Tyler." T: "Hey y'all" they came in to hug everyone and then went to find their rooms. We all talked for a little while until the boys went to grab the presents and the tree out of the truck, while our moms got the decorations out of the car. While they did that, us girls decided to make hot cocoa for everyone. GG: "so how has everyone been" E: "pretty good we are thinking about moving into a bigger house here in Plano" GG: "and how about you C, how is the pregnancy going" C: "Good, the back pain, mood swings, and feeling like a whale all the time isn’t great, but the baby is healthy and G has been amazing" E: "girl I feel you that’s how it was with Harlee" C: "yeah I can't wait to meet the baby and not be pregnant anymore I feel like I'm carrying twins" GG: "you're almost there just 2 more months" C: "yeah" GG: "did you get your maternity pictures back" C: "no they should be in by next week" E: "I can't wait to see them" C: "me either it's been a long 2 week wait" GG: "Did you convince G to do online yoga and birthing classes" C: "yeah it took a while but we start when we get back and will do it 3 times a week" E: "go you, I could only get Aid to go once a week" GG: "yeah that boy really loves you C" C: "I know, and I really love him, I literally have never been happier" GG: "aww I can't wait to have a family of my own" E: "it really is the best feeling" while we talked the boys walked in to set up the tree, after putting the box down Grant comes over. G: "what we talking about" he comes up behind me and kisses my cheek, rests his head on my shoulder, and wraps his arms around me resting his hands on my stomach and I put my hands on top of his. C: "nothing just girl stuff" G: "y'all wanna help decorate the tree" C: "yeah will be over in a second" Grant walks back over to help out the boys and we bring over the hot chocolate, this Christmas is gonna be amazing.

I'm not completely sure if Candice’s brother is married, but I thought it fit the theme. Also, Emma was the first name I could come up with. I hope y'all enjoyed it. bye loves. <3

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