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☆ 2. Chapter 2 Crossed over?

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Chapter 2 Crossed over?

"Yuan Yuan... Yuan Yuan!!

Gu Zhongjing woke up violently, and was frightened by the scene in the dream, and then found that he was sore all over, as if he had been beaten by someone, his body was cold, and his head was also groggy


He actually dreamed that Yuan Yuan committed suicide after his death...

Gu Zhongjing was in a trance, and he couldn't tell the difference between reality and illusion for a while, wasn't he dead? How can you still dream?

It turns out that he still dreams after death, and he thought that he couldn't feel anything when he died.

Gu Zhongjing turned his head and looked around with great difficulty, wanting to see what the world was like after death.

A dirty and messy room with four bunk beds, a quilt on the top bunk, a cabinet table connected to the top bunk on the bottom, and a bucket

of instant noodles on top of it, seems to be a dormitory.

The ground was full of cigarette butts, paper towels, garbage, and smelly socks and shoes everywhere, which obviously stinked when he looked at it, but Gu Zhongjing couldn't smell anything, he thought it was probably because dead

people didn't have five senses.

No, since a dead person doesn't have five senses, why does he still feel unwell?

He struggled to sit up on the bed board, wanting to get out of bed to see, but unfortunately his body did not allow him to do such a difficult action, when he got out of bed, his hands and feet were weak, and he planted

it without grasping it, and his head "banged" and smashed on the floor.

Gu Zhongjing was stunned, since he had an ability in the last days, when had he ever been so weak?

Before he could recover from his composure, his head that hit the floor began to hurt sharply, and along with the sharp pain, there were surging memory fragments, which squeezed into his brain in one go.

It hurts so much!

It was comparable to the pain when Gu Zhongjing awakened his ability back then, and the pain was so painful that life was worse than death, and he couldn't wait to die on the spot.

He curled up his hands and feet and hugged his head, gritted his teeth and didn't say a word. This is a Xi cultivated for many years in the last days, zombies are very sensitive to sound sources, and if you want to live, you must

learn to endure pain and not make sounds, which is basic common sense in the last days.

How long that sharp pain lasted Gu Zhongjing didn't know, maybe a few seconds, maybe a few hours, and when he stopped, Gu Zhongjing was already sweating profusely.

After this body of sweat came out, even the soreness on his body was much easier, Gu Zhongjing lay flat on the floor, and laughed loudly on all fours.

A hoarse low laugh echoed in the dormitory, with a strange feeling: "Hehehehe, I'm not dead........."

The messy memories were slowly straightened out in Gu Zhongjing's mind, and Gu Zhongjing finally understood that he didn't die at all, but - crossed over?!

Gu Zhongjing stretched out his hand to touch his chest and whispered to himself: "Just gave up your life like this, little guy, you are really fragile." "

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