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☆ 71. Chapter 68: Hazel Mushrooms

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Chapter 68 Hazel Mushroom

Early in the morning, Chang Fan got up, knowing that today was the day when Gu Zhongjing went to the greenhouse to pick vegetables and send them to Quanwei Zhai, so he hurried up the mountain to avoid Gu Zhongjing.

Chu Yan, this little guy is also strange, Gu Zhongjing doesn't go out much when he is not there, he is very homely, if he wants to see him, he must go out with Gu Zhongjing, and it is even more difficult to get close.

After Gu Zhongjing goes down the mountain today, there will be thugs pestering him, pretending to grab money and delay time, and all he has to do is take advantage of Gu Zhongjing's absence, say a few words to Chu Yan, create an ambiguous atmosphere, and let the people who have been following him secretly. Take a few photos.

Those photos will appear on Weibo hot searches, and then let Gu Zhongjing see them and get angry, and then beat himself violently, and Chu Yan's little angel who witnessed him being beaten will jump out to help him explain that they have nothing, and they were photographed by tourists just after saying a few words.

And he Chang Fan is the innocent little white flower who was innocently implicated, no matter whether Gu Zhongjing believes it or not, he will find a chance to get along with Chu Yan alone a few times again, and then take the opportunity to add to Gu Zhongjing's blockage while brushing up his good feelings.

If Gu Zhongjing continues to beat him irritablely, then the kind-hearted Chu Yan will become more and more disgusted with him, and then feel guilty and good for himself, thinking that he has caused him...

If he is showing his intention to like Chu Yan at this time, then even if Chu Yan doesn't like him, he can leave a good influence on him to some extent.

Once Chu Yan thinks about it, Gu Zhongjing can't look at him anymore, he will always go down the mountain. But Chu Yan will have more and more intersections with him, so the possibility of completing the task will be greater and greater.

Chang Fan was very satisfied with this plan and gave himself several thumbs up for it.

The reason why he sincerely believes that this plan will succeed is because he has done it before.

Of course, that time was unintentional, he said that he didn't like to be a junior, so he naturally stayed away from those who had families and rooms, but he didn't do it himself, and he couldn't stand his good looks and someone took a fancy to him.

That time the girl was a rich daughter who was two years younger than him, he met through people in the circle, and the relationship between the two was usually very good, the girl was very beautiful and kind, and Chang Fan also intended to have more contact with her.

It's a pity that before he could take action, he learned that the girl had a husband, so Chang Fan decided to stop it.

It's a pity that he decided not to flirt that day, the girl's husband came to the door and beat him, and the girl cried while explaining that they didn't have anything.

Later, I came to Chang Fan several times, Chang Fan saw that she was misunderstood by her husband, so she comforted her a few words, and the girl really liked him.

Chang Fan... Chang Fan was beaten twice by the girl's husband.

But the harder he was beaten, the more distressed the girl became, and finally divorced her husband, saying that she wanted to be with Chang Fan.

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