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☆ 14. Chapter 14: Selling Vegetables

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Chapter 14 Selling vegetables

and returning to the orphanage, Gu Zhongjing returned to the small room by moonlight, and did not rest, and went directly into the space.

The space flow is fast, he can go inside to sleep and then work, anyway, the time inside is ineffective for him, and his life will not be wasted.

The space is too big, and Gu Zhongjing's scalp is numb when he thinks of having to rely on a hoe to turn over such a large space, and he decided to buy a farm vehicle to share the pressure when he makes money.

After the transformation of the spring water, his body has gradually become stronger, and after turning the ground for several hours, he drank some spring water and fell asleep.

Wake up and turn over, eat something to sleep when you are tired, and so on several times, Gu Zhongjing finally turned out three acres of land.

He sowed seeds as he turned the ground, and when the ground was finished and the seeds were planted, he went out of the space to get buckets and scoops, and poured spring water on the three acres of land.

Then he doesn't have to take care of it, the ground in the space doesn't need to be fertilized to grow well, he just needs to wait for the vegetables to ripen and come in to harvest.

After taking a bath in the small pond of the space, Gu Zhongjing left the space, went to the kitchen, and put all the snacks and barbecue cakes he bought in the kitchen, and the dean and the children would wake up tomorrow morning

and eat them.

With that done, he went back to his room and fell asleep on his bed.

In the next two days, Gu Zhongjing still went to work as usual, and went into the space from time to time to check the growth of the little cabbage.

Seeing that the cabbage was ripe, Gu Zhongjing found Aunt Ali's husband Shen Hui, who was a villager in the village next door to the orphanage, although he had not farmed for many years, but they had a lot of farming

in the village, Gu Zhongjing asked him to help borrow a tricycle.

On the morning of the third day when the little cabbage was planted, Gu Zhongjing rode into the city on a small tricycle.

City A is very large, it is the capital of Huaxia, and the population is very dense, so the city has developed very quickly, and now it has developed into six urban districts, each of which is like a ring

around the center of A.

The orphanage is located in a remote area, and it already belongs to the sixth district, where Gu Zhongjing works is in the fifth district, and the place where he sells vegetables is also in the fifth district.

There was no one on the way into the city, Gu Zhongjing found a remote place to put the little tricycle into the space, and loaded a cart full of watery cabbage and released the tricycle again.

He'd already looked for a place to sell vegetables, right at the entrance to the Fifth District, where there was a huge farmer's market.

Riding a tricycle to the vegetable market, Gu Zhongjing found the market administrator to rent a stall, the cost was ten yuan an hour, and Gu Zhongjing rented it for two hours.

He still has to go to work, and it's not necessary to rent too much time. The main thing is that he has no money...

After moving the dishes on the small three wheels to the stall, Gu Zhongjing borrowed a stool from the aunt next door and sat still.

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