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☆ 10. Chapter 10: Cafes

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Chapter 10

The original body of the café

Chu Yan is seventeen years old this year, he has just entered his second year of high school, and the school is a little far away from the orphanage, so Chu Yan lives in the school, although Gu Zhongjing is reluctant to him, but Chu Yan can't

study either

, this is not the end of the world after all.

The underage Chu Yan can't do anything if he doesn't study, and Gu Zhongjing is even more reluctant to let Chu Yan follow him to endure hardships, so he can only do this for the time being.

On the day he sent Chu Yan to school, Chu Yan did not show any reluctance, because he knew that they would have more time in the future, and the current separation was for a better reunion.

But Gu Zhongjing was different, he sent Chu Yan to school with a stinky face, and talked to Chu Yan's head teacher for a long time, saying that Chu Yan's head was broken and his knowledge was forgotten, and he hoped that

the teacher would not put too much pressure on him.

Gu Zhongjing was worried that Chu Yan would not eat well and sleep well, and he was also worried that there were little girls and boys in the school who did not have long eyes. Yuan Yuan, who disturbed him, became so worried that he became an old mother, and he said a lot of words


Chu Yan was annoyed, so he simply threw him back.

Gu Zhongjing left Chu Yan's school step by step, and made up his mind that he must make money as soon as possible, and then he would be able to come to Yuan Yuan every day for the reason of sending things.

After returning to the orphanage, Gu Zhongjing couldn't arouse his interest in anything, and he had a stinky face every day when he went to work.

But I don't know what's going on, but there are people who eat him very much, and the business of the café is getting better and better, and many girls come here every day.

Just like at this moment, two more girls came to the window, ordered the most expensive coffee and cake in the store, and indicated that Gu Zhongjing would deliver it to their table.

Gu Zhongjing walked back to the kitchen with a stinky face, and he didn't know if it was his delusion, there were always people staring at him recently, and his work was getting busier and busier, which made his already bad mood even worse


When he turned to leave, the two girls began to talk.

"It's so handsome, I feel so sad when I look mourned~" "Yes, yes, I used to think that the beautiful food was for fun, but it turns out that looking at good-looking people, things will really become delicious~" "

Xinxin, will you come again tomorrow?"

"Come on, why don't you come, such a handsome guy, don't look at it twice and suffer more." "

Oh~ you little pervert. The

conversation between the two made the manager listen to it correctly, and he was more satisfied with Gu Zhongjing, and decided to give Chu Yan more bonuses when the salary was paid.

After Gu Zhongjing worked for ten hours, the soles of his feet began to hurt again, this service industry is really tiring, every day is spinning, this broken body can't hold it at all.

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