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☆ 67. Chapter 64: Osmanthus Cake

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Chapter 64 Osmanthus Cake

Chu Yan was a little embarrassed to be teased, and he didn't speak, so he lowered his head and pursed his lips slightly, his cheeks were slightly flushed, and he refused to look up at Gu Zhongjing.

Gu Zhongjing climbed on the osmanthus tree and looked at Chu Yan condescendingly, grinning with a mouthful of white teeth. Obviously, there are so many people on the ground, but there seems to be only Chu Yan in his eyes.

Everyone felt that they were superfluous, and the greasy atmosphere was sticky. I was tired of panicking, and the coaxing was even worse.

Gu Zhongjing was not annoyed, let them joke, after getting all the osmanthus flowers that could be shaken down from a tree, he jumped down from the tree neatly, his movements were handsome and natural.

In the laughter of everyone, Gu Zhongjing knocked down all the osmanthus flowers on the osmanthus road, and everyone's bag was filled with more than half of the bag.

The small golden flowers are fragrant and beautiful, refreshing and refreshing to stay in the bag, you don't need to get close, you can smell a large fragrance from afar.

After separating from the tourists, Chu Yan pushed Xiaodong, Gu Zhongjing carried the osmanthus flower, and the three of them went back to the villa together.

After entering the door, Gu Zhongjing put the flowers on the coffee table in the living room, went into the kitchen and took a pot out, poured the osmanthus into it, and sat on the sofa to pick up the flower stalks and pedicles in the golden flowers.

Chu Yan and Xiaodong also came to help, and while it was time to pick up osmanthus flowers, Chu Yan asked Xiaodong: "How are the legs?" Does it hurt? When

picking up osmanthus just now, Xiao Dong was also eager to try, and bent down with everyone to pick up a lot, Chu Yan was worried that he would pull the wound.

When Xiaodong heard Chu Yan's concern, his heart warmed, and he shook his head with a smile: "Brother Yan, I'm fine, don't worry."

Chu Yan: "It's okay, you can rest for a while, and I'll just get it with you Brother Jing."

Gu Zhongjing also asked, "Do you want to lie on the sofa?"

Xiaodong shook his head: "I want to sit for a while, hey, Brother Yan, Brother Jing, you don't care about me, I'm not a child, I'll tell you if I'm uncomfortable."

Gu Zhongjing threw him a flower and scolded with a smile: "Hey, you stinky boy, you still don't appreciate caring about you."

Xiaodong: "Where do I have it?" Brother Yan, look at Brother Jing, he said me again.

Chu Yan also picked up a small word and threw it at Gu Zhongjing: "You will bully Xiaodong."

Gu Zhongjing: "I care, care." The

three of them talked and laughed and disposed of the osmanthus flowers, Gu Zhongjing returned to the kitchen with the clean osmanthus flowers, washed them and put them aside, and took Chu Yan and Xiaodong down the mountain, the dean said that they would make hot and sour noodles for them today, and the osmanthus cake could be made again tomorrow.

After going down the mountain to eat beautifully, the three of them went back to the villa and slept beautifully, and the next day they started to make osmanthus cakes with great interest.

Gu Zhongjing tied his apron and went into the kitchen, took out the osmanthus that he had washed yesterday and poured it into the basin, added a little water, and sprinkled some salt to remove the bitterness.

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