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☆ 65. Chapter 62: On the right track

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Chapter 62 It was not difficult for Chu Yan to make an APP on the right track

, and when he got up early the next morning, he started his work in good spirits, and Gu Zhongjing was also busy.

He first posted an APP preview Weibo and contacted major platforms to remove the reservation for Sanliushan. arranged for fifteen veterans sent by Qi Huiyang in the morning, and then transferred three middle-aged female employees to the orphanage, and told the dean about Xiaodong's injury.

Gu Zhongjing didn't stop him, handed over a few employees to Aunt Ali and went straight to the hospital with the director.

Those employees are all employees whom he asked Manager Zhang and think he is good, these people are all real people who are careful and diligent, Gu Zhongjing plans to leave them in the orphanage, and the salary for helping the director is still from his side.

The dean was worried about Xiaodong in his heart, but he didn't realize that Gu Zhongjing left people directly in the orphanage.

After the two arrived at the orphanage, the dean stayed behind to greet Xiaodong, and Gu Zhongjing and Qi Huiyang went out together to make room for them to speak.

Standing outside, the two of them began to talk. He talked about what he discussed with Chu Yan last night, Qi Huiyang's eyes lit up when he listened to it, and he felt that Gu Zhongjing's idea was really good, and he was a little moved, and felt that this method was also very useful for Jiaoliu, even if he wanted to ask Gu Zhongjing if he could use his idea, he would also develop a shopping app for Jiaoliu's company.

But then he thought about it, and felt that it was inappropriate, so he dismissed the idea. Gu Zhongjing's Sanliushan is different from Jiaoliu, Sanliushan has less traffic and fewer products, so there will be no loss in making this APP, but it will be full of benefits.

Jiaoliu is different, Jiaoliu takes the civilian route, which needs a lot of traffic support, and it will not work to be your own online sales platform before you are famous.

The major online sales platforms all have shares, there is no need to do more, now the big cake of the online sales platform has been carved up, and it is not so easy to intervene at this time. So Qi Huiyang pressed his heart and stopped mentioning it.

only praised: "Your idea is good, if you really make the APP, your Sanliushan experience will be greatly improved."

Gu Zhongjing also smiled: "That's right, I think so too, I can also take a break from the APP and take Yuan Yuan around."

Qi Huiyang envied the deep love between him and Chu Yan, and there was a little bit on his face: "You guy is so lucky, you can grow up with Xiaoyan's bamboo horse."

Gu Zhongjing: "Envy? Envy you also find one.

Qi Huiyang's face darkened: "Looking for one?" How can it be so easy? The

person he likes is still so young, he doesn't even dare to show any other thoughts, and he is looking for one, Gu Zhongjing is standing and talking without backache, and a full man doesn't know that a hungry man is hungry.

Gu Zhongjing patted him on the shoulder, half sympathetic and half reminded: "Qizi, Xiaodong is still young."

Qi Huiyang's body was shocked, and he looked at Gu Zhongjing, his eyes were full of shock: "You, you... How do you see that? Am I acting so obviously?

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