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☆ 73. Chapter 70: Confession

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Chapter 70 Confessing

that after Chang Fan was pulled into the villa, he only felt that the earth was not working every day, and the cold murderous aura on Gu Zhongjing's face made his legs and stomach cramp.

These two people are not, they just pulled hands, could it be that they still want to kill people?

Isn't it good to play outside? I have to pull in the door to fight, it's over, my life is over...

He wailed in his heart, but he gritted his teeth and refused to beg for mercy, only shouted forcibly: "You let go of me, what are you doing?" The

reason why he refused to admit it was mainly because he was afraid that Chu Yan would look down on him, and his eyes glanced at Chu Yan from time to time, expecting him to save himself and go on according to the script.

It's a pity that all his flattering eyes were thrown to the blind man, Chu Yan followed behind Gu Zhongjing with a look of eager excitement, and estimated in his heart to wait and see how much this guy was beaten first, and if it wasn't serious, he would make up for it...

It stands to reason that Chang Fan is a 1.9-meter-tall man, almost the same height as Gu Zhongjing, his figure looks much stronger than Gu Zhongjing, and his strength should be greater than Gu Zhongjing.

But the reality is that he was dragged by Gu Zhongjing like this, there was no room for struggle at all, and he himself had to pay attention to his image in front of Chu Yan, so he was dragged into the villa by Gu Zhongjing.

After entering the door, Chu Yan closed the door with his backhand, and Gu Zhongjing let go of his hand and threw Chang Fan to the ground. Now he fell to the ground without any image.

He also moved quickly, quickly got up from the ground, and asked Gu Zhongjing angrily: "What does Boss Gu mean by this?!" Is this your hospitality?

Gu Zhongjing sneered: "We naturally treat Anfen's guests as guests, is it necessary for me to be polite to you for people like you who take advantage of the boss's absence?" After

speaking, without waiting for Chang Fan to defend, he kicked over...


"Ahh You...... Stop it! Is there any royal law left? Light...... Yes...... Beat people in broad daylight, and then... I'm going to call the police again!

Gu Zhongjing kicked him on the shoulder again, and said expressionlessly: "You report, I'm afraid you won't dare to report!"

Chu Yan saw that Chang Fan was beaten by Gu Zhongjing and had no power to fight back, so he had no way to help, so he sat on the sofa and made a cup of tea leisurely, added a few wolfberries that had just been put away this year, and took a sip.

"Chu Yan, you... You're... Yes! Is that what you just watch him beat?

Chang Fan squatted on the ground and shouted with his head covered.

Chu Yan smiled at Mimi's tea and ignored him.

It's okay that he didn't mention Chu Yan, but when he mentioned Chu Yan, Gu Zhongjing's anger in his heart was even heavier, and he grabbed him up and fell over the shoulder again, and said, "Wasn't it quite energetic when you confessed just now?" Dare to pull my baby's hand, which hand pulls it? Stick it out, Lao Tzu chopped it! You can't control it!

Chang Fan was beaten at the beginning and could still shout twice, but it really hurt in the back, and only the screams of "ahhhhhhhh

When the fight was almost over, Gu Zhongjing shook his hand and stopped, sat next to Chu Yan, took the wolfberry soaked water he handed over and took a sip.

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