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☆ 52. Chapter 49: Liu Huicheng

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Chapter 49 Liu Huicheng Although Liu Huicheng

was weak-hearted, he didn't scare Gu Zhongjing, because he just talked to this person for a while, and he didn't promise anyone anything at all, he thought he was worthy of Gu Zhongjing.

During this time, people always came to him, wanting him to invalidate the contract with Gu Zhongjing, and the liquidated damages would be paid by the other party, and he could pay him an additional two million, but he never agreed.

Mo said that Gu Zhongjing is now developing Liuming Mountain so well, so many villagers in the village are working on the mountain, just out of morality, he can't do anything to break the contract.

He is a shaft character, and he has always been reluctant to agree, even if the other party promised to give him a lot of money, and promised that he could help whether his son wanted to enter an agency or a large company, he refused all of them.

He was weak only because he had private contact with these people and didn't tell Gu Zhongjing, not because he had done anything wrong.

He was angry because the man who came today actually threatened him, saying that if he didn't do what they said, he, the village chief, would do it, and asked him to think about his son's future and not to hurt the family because of his stubbornness.

Liu Huicheng thought that he was an ordinary person, but just because he had to cause so much trouble by contracting the mountain to Gu Zhongjing, he was angry and helpless.

Now it's just that he's holding on to his breath and not willing to agree, but if these people really take action, he can't guarantee that he will be able to persevere.

Some time ago, he was still happy that Gu Zhongjing had built Liu Mingshan so well, and he had added political achievements to himself, maybe he would be able to climb up in his lifetime.

Now his hair is almost white.

Liu Huicheng thought about it, and had already decided to tell Gu Zhongjing about his predicament, but who knew that Gu Zhongjing came at this juncture, and happened to see him talking to that person.

If you don't explain it clearly, it's really yellow mud falling into the □□, and it's not but.

So when Gu Zhongjing approached, he immediately made a decision to speak first: "Xiao Gu, you came just in time, do you recognize this Mr. Yang?" He has come several times and asked me to terminate the contract with you, is your Uncle Liu that kind of person? I was about to call you when you came, and if you have any misunderstandings, please make it clear here, my old man doesn't want to mind your business.

After speaking, he said to the stiff man in the suit: "Mr. Yang, Xiao Gu has come, if you have anything to discuss, if Xiao Gu says to terminate the contract, I will immediately terminate it for him without saying a word, if he doesn't agree, don't come to me in the future, the mountains are the country, and my old man can't be the master." "

After saying that, I patted my ass. The stock entered the village committee, and the action was swift as if there was a ghost chasing after him.

Gu Zhongjing and Chu Yan looked at each other, this old man, this is running away? It's good at shirking responsibility.

But this is not the time to settle accounts with him, it is better to solve this person first.

Gu Zhongjing was full of momentum, suppressed the person in front of him, and said coldly: "Mr. Yang? The Yang family's? You still don't give up. "

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