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☆ 31. Chapter 31: The 10,000-Word Chapter (1)

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Chapter 31 10,000-Character Chapter (1)

Although Chu Yan didn't know why Gu Zhongjing suddenly became excited, he was still a little curious by Gu Zhongjing's obviously fluctuating emotions.

After Gu Zhongjing hung up the phone, he blinked his phoenix eyes and asked, "What's wrong?" Is something wrong?

Gu Zhongjing: "Baby, go and sign a contract with me today."

Chu Yan was pleasantly surprised: "Can you sign a contract?" Didn't you say you might have to wait a while?

Gu Zhongjing: "I don't know the specific situation, but it's better to sign it quickly." Chu

Yan thought that good things had to be encircled into their own territory immediately, otherwise what if they were snatched away by others?

Their thoughts are similar to those of the village committee, they all want to settle down quickly in case something happens again, Gu Zhongjing is afraid that they will go back on their word, why are they not afraid that Gu Zhongjing will be the same as Boss Jin.

When both parties were in a hurry, Liu Huicheng specially entrusted the person who quickly transferred the survey to invite him, and the matter was completed in only two days.

"Gu Datou, how big is that mountain? Chu Yan was curious.

"Well, about 1 kilometer, more than 1,500 acres, the area is not big or small, but the environment is very good.

Chu Yan: "I'll go with you in the afternoon, I'm all curious to death from what you said."

Gu Zhongjing: "Okay, let's go together in the afternoon." "

Time flies, and it feels like it's time to arrive at the station in just a few words.

Back in the courtyard, Gu Zhongjing looked at the time, it was already eleven o'clock, and it was too late to cook big dishes, so Gu Zhongjing simply copied a few dishes casually.

After the group ate, Gu Zhongjing took Chu Yan out of the door and went to Liujia Village to sign the contract.

When Gu Zhongjing was on the bus, he made an appointment with Liu Huicheng, and Chen Min was also there when Gu Zhongjing and Chu Yan passed, and the atmosphere of the two village chiefs seemed to be good, and both sides were very satisfied with the results.

After greeting and getting to the point, Gu Zhongjingzai carefully read the contract, and after confirming that it was correct, he signed and pressed his fingerprint.

The two village chiefs also signed, and Gu Zhongjing immediately handed over the 300,000 cash he had prepared to the two village chiefs.

Liu Mingshan From this moment on, the next year will belong to Gu Zhongjing.

But he knew that in his lifetime, this mountain would never change hands again, and he would be the only owner of Liu Mingshan for the next seventy or eighty years.

After they signed the contract and said goodbye to the village committee, Gu Zhongjing took Chu Yan to Liuming Mountain.

Liuming Mountain is an undeveloped barren mountain, with a fairly high vegetation coverage, but strictly speaking, it is only shrubs and looks lush.

Gu Zhongjing also took a fancy to these bushes before he made up his mind to contract, if it was really a mountain with a large forest cover, it would be useless for him to contract, trees could not be cut down casually.

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