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☆ 62. Chapter 59: Xiaodong is injured

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Chapter 59 Xiaodong is injured Now Liuming Mountain, no, it should be Sanliushan, it is no longer dark and peaceful at night like before, and it is

quiet as if no one lives there.

The trees planted on the mountain have been slowly entangled by Gu Zhongjing and Chu Yan little by little with a small snow-white pull lamp, and when the switch is turned on at night, the mountain is full of white lights.

The trees are entwined with white lanterns, which has a special beauty than during the day, and the villas are also wrapped around this line-like lantern. At night, the beauty is incredible.

Under this beautiful scenery, there is no shortage of people on the mountain even at night, and sometimes you can meet couples who are engaged in small romances late at night, and they are always full of warm popularity.

Gu Zhongjing and Chu Yan have been in the orphanage since they came back from the press conference, and they didn't go back to the mountain, and after knowing that Xiaodong didn't come back, he and Chu Yan drove along the way to the press conference today.

After that, I ran to Xiaodong's school again, and called Xiaodong's friends, but I didn't find him.

Gu Zhongjing and Chu Yan knew that Xiaodong was a sensible child and would not disappear for no reason, and after finding it, they became anxious, Chu Yan even prepared for the worst, maybe those who coveted their "secret recipe" were still not dead, so they hit Xiaodong with their ideas.

Chu Gu Zhongjing probably thought the same thing, and his face was very heavy. Not long after they came out to look for Xiaodong, in order not to worry the dean, they told him that Xiaodong had been taken back to Liuming Mountain by them. If they can't find Xiaodong, how can they explain to the dean?

"Ah Jing, do you say that Xiaodong is..."Chu Yan couldn't help but ask on the way back: "Impossible, even if they want to do it, they shouldn't be looking for Xiaodong, the best object is..."

Yes, if they want to do it, the best object is the dean, right, how can they find Xiaodong?

Could it be that he really "ran away from home" by himself?

They were worried about it, and Qi Huiyang was also looking for Xiaodong non-stop.

He and Xiaodong have become closer and closer in the past half a year, Xiaodong's dependence on him can sometimes even exceed Gu Zhongjing and Chu Yan, Qi Huiyang also enjoys this feeling of being needed, and completely takes care of Xiaodong as a younger brother.

Qi Huiyang didn't know when he had a different mind about Xiaodong, but when he found out, it was too late, and he already liked Xiaodong.

I like this word is too heavy, Xiaodong is only sixteen years old, what does he know? He didn't understand anything yet, Qi Huiyang felt that he was a beast, so he deliberately kept his distance from Xiaodong.

No longer calls him every day to urge him to eat and sleep, no longer take him to any playgrounds, marine worlds, movies, and no longer do everything he used to think was good for his "younger brother", for fear that he will lead Xiaodong crookedly.

He is an adult, and he can't imprison a good teenager because of his own despicable thoughts, so he chooses to let go openly.

Since his development conference this time, he has been in a cold war with Xiaodong for half a month, and today Xiaodong will come to the press conference to work part-time, and he didn't expect it.

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