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☆ 4. Chapter 4 Recognition

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Chapter 4 Recognition

Autumn nights are getting longer and longer, and the days are getting slower. When Gu Zhongjing woke up, the sky was still a little dark.

He only felt that his throat was dry and painful, but his body was a little relieved, as if it was soreness after a fever.

The burning of his throat made Gu Zhongjing want to drink water, and he propped up the edge of the bed and wanted to sit up, but his arm touched a piece of warmth.

He frowned violently, there was someone next to him!

The Xi he had cultivated for many years in the last days made him alert for a moment, and his body supported the bed board at a very fast speed, and his eyes looked sharply at the inside of the bed.

The moment he saw the person on the bed, Gu Zhongjing's pupils shrank sharply, and his expression was ecstatic for a moment.

On the inside of the bed lay a person, and the sunlight from the window shone on the person's face, and the delicate facial features could be clearly seen.

The sleeping man looked indistinguishable from the male, with a distinctly youthful youthful aura, and looked as if he was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

That face is exactly the same as Chu Yanchang when he was young.

Gu Zhongjing couldn't suppress his heart that was beating fast, and he didn't have the heart to wait, but at this moment, he suddenly had unprecedented expectations.

Will it be Yuanyuan?

"Yuan Yuan..."

As soon as he spoke, Gu Zhongjing regretted it.

He didn't dare and couldn't wake up the person on the bed, for fear that it would not be his Yuan Yuan who would wake up, but just a stranger who looked the same as Yuan Yuan.

After all, it was already a miracle that he crossed by himself, how could Yuan Yuan appear in this world with him.

But sometimes he knows that it is impossible, but he still has expectations in his heart, expecting that a miracle will also befall his Yuan Yuan.

Gu Zhongjing was afraid that his faint expectation would be ruthlessly shattered, so he didn't dare to wake up the young man on the bed, and he didn't even dare to make a superfluous sound, for fear that he would wake up the person on the bed as soon as he made a sound


Wanting to wake up the person on the bed, but also afraid of waking up and finding out that it was not Yuan Yuan, Gu Zhongjing's face began to distort slightly.

Gu Zhongjing just stood motionless on the side of the bed, staring intently at the person on the bed, for fear that a person who didn't pay attention to the bed would disappear.

Time passed little by little, and Gu Zhongjing stood in place in a daze, until it was dawn, and all kinds of noisy sounds came from outside.

Gu Zhongjing was a little nervous and hesitant, he wanted to go out and let those people stop making trouble, and his Yuan Yuan wouldn't be able to sleep if he made trouble again.

But his footsteps could not move, and he still stood in place and did not move. Yuan Yuan is so good-looking, just like when he first saw him, beautiful and fragile like a girl


At the beginning, it was also because he recognized Chu Yan as a girl and called him "Miss", and since then he has formed a feud with Chu Yan and has been facing each other for ten years.

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