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☆ 53. Chapter 50: Vixen

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Chapter 50 After the fox spirit

Yang Xi went back, he told Old Man Yang about the situation he met with Gu Zhongjing today, and Old Man Yang was almost out of luck.

He never thought that Gu Zhongjing would still have the ability to investigate the Yang family, and he realized at the first time that Gu Zhongjing was not something they could mess with.

He said to the two sons in the study: "Withdraw all the people, no matter what the kid surnamed Gu does in the future, our Yang family will not participate." It seems that no one can eat this piece of fat. The

boss Yang Li was still unwilling: "Dad, is it difficult for him to hold the handle of our Yang family like this?" What if he is not good for us?

Old Man

Yang seemed to be several years old, and his spirit weakened: "If he wants to be unfavorable to us, he should retaliate last time you provoked him, why let us go this time." Don't provoke him in the future, that kid is a bit evil.

Yang Li was still unconvinced: "Why don't you just cut the grass and eradicate the roots, the things in his hands are too important, once they leak out, our Yang family..."

Old Man

Yang raised his cloudy eyes and looked at him sternly: "If you can be sure that the information will not be leaked after his death, then you will do it, I will never talk about you." But if you can't, shut up!

Yang Xi helped on the side: "Yes, big brother, everyone has said it, if it weren't for my brother-in-law's sake, he wouldn't let us go this time, I think you should be honest." If it wasn't for you last time, would Boss Gu have such a bad impression of us? In a few days, Liu Mingshan health care products will be sold again, and it is not certain whether people sell them to us or not, and you are still making trouble here.

Yang Li glared at him: "You are embarrassed to say that I am not good at doing things yourself, if it weren't for you..."

If you make any more trouble, get out of here! The

two of them stopped, but they looked at each other with unfriendly eyes, not like brothers but like enemies.

Gu Zhongjing didn't know about the Yang family's affairs, he was talking to Qi Huiyang on the phone at this moment.

The space water that Qi Huiyang brought back had almost been tested, and the results made him a little confused.

There is a special substance in the space water, which cannot be determined with current technology, but it has been found that this substance can promote the growth of plants, and the benefits to plants are visible to the naked eye.

Qi Huiyang was just too excited, so he called Gu Zhongjing to report the good news.

Gu Zhongjing was not surprised when he learned about it, he had long known that space water was actually undetectable, and it was not that there was no research institute in the last days, as one of the high-level leaders of the base, how could he not have sent the space water for testing, and the results of the test were not the same, and nothing could be detected.

Not to mention that Qi Huiyang can't detect it now, I'm afraid it won't be detected in the future.

So Gu Zhongjing had no fear, and he asked Qi Huiyang: "Now that the results are out, what are you going to plant?"

Qi Huiyang: "This company is still in a meeting to discuss, and it is not certain for the time being, but the general direction should be to develop in the direction of cosmetics, after all, women and children make the best money, isn't it?"

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