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☆ 60. Chapter 57: Press Conference

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Chapter 57 Press Conference

Gu Zhongjing and Zhu Xiwen talked energetically, talking and saying that you punch me and I punch you together hehehe, he laughed, it looked weird and obscene.

Chu Yan couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "What are you talking about? So happy? Or make me happy?

Gu Zhongjing and Zhu Xiwen were startled by the sudden voice, and turned around in horror, just in time to see Chu Yan and Wen Man looking at them with a smile all day...

Both of them had a little scalp tingling, and it was very embarrassing to discuss behind their wives' backs that they were caught.

"Hehehe, Yuan Yuan, you... When did you come here? Gu Zhongjing sneered.

Chu Yanfeng picked his eyes: "It didn't take long, from the time when Xiwen's brother-in-law said that Sister Man was too beautiful."

Zhu Xiwen's body trembled, and he looked at Wen Man with a flattering smile: "Man Man is already beautiful, isn't it Man Man..."

Wen Man looked at his husband with a smile, and it was not good to teach her husband a lesson in person when there were many people, and walked to the backstage with a swaying posture: "Keep up."

Zhu Xiwen said to Gu Zhongjing with a bitter face: "Brother, remember what you promised me."

Gu Zhongjing expressed deep sympathy for this brother who was about to suffer domestic violence, and he was still thinking about his wife's honey at this time, it can be seen that it is true love, so he has to send him two bottles, he nodded and made an OK gesture.

Zhu Xiwen replied with a look of thanks to his brother and followed his wife to the dressing room the day after tomorrow.

Gu Zhongjing gloated at the backs of the two of them, and said to Chu Yan: "Brother Zhu is going to be unlucky, Sister Manman will definitely pinch him again, hehe..."

"Why don't you laugh? Gu Datou! If you give me honey mixed with water, I will say that it tastes wrong! Are you itching again?

Gu Zhongjing sneered: "Baby, let's go back and talk about it again, so many people are watching."

Chu Yan looked at the crowd of onlookers who were secretly looking at them in the dark, frowned and lowered his voice: "Okay, you wait to go back."

Gu Zhongjing escaped, compared a "yes" in his heart, and naturally stepped forward to take Chu Yan's hand and go to Qi Huiyang who made the final preparations.

Chu Yan reacted not long after he was held by him, he was angry at this moment, Gu Zhongjing still came to lead himself, what to lead, take yourself away!

Immediately let go of Gu Zhongjing's hand as soon as his hand moved, Gu Zhongjing looked at him puzzled, and got a big roll of his eyes, Gu Zhongjing was anxious, oh no, this hand is not allowed to be held, and he will definitely suffer at night!

As soon as his mind turned, he said: "Baby, this is outside, if we don't hold hands, there will be news of a breakup."

Chu Yan thought of the last time he was awkward because Gu Zhongjing didn't give him an extra bowl of cold noodles, ignoring Gu Zhongjing, and didn't let him hold or let him hug him, and at night the photo of him throwing off Gu Zhongjing's hand was on the homepage of the two of them, and he almost went on the hot search...

The two of them are also half of the public figures with tens of millions of fans, and there are people staring at each other, and Chu Yan is also afraid that he will be said by tourists again when he goes back, "Young master, are you quarreling with Caicai again?" Otherwise, if you break up with him, I'll raise you."

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